“Paradise” is a new thriller series that has debuted on Hulu with three episodes. The series takes place in a tight community where a recent murder has shaken the residents of prominent families. Interestingly enough, the series is better the less you know about it going on. Sterling K. Brown stars and is an executive producer on the project.
With the release of “Paradise” on Hulu, I spoke with Julianne Nicholson & Sarah Shahi. They are two of the stars of the series who play a key role in the investigation of a murder. In our conversation, they tell me what audiences can expect in this thriller that is consistently throwing curveballs to keep people guessing. They also talk a bit about their characters and how the writers use their character’s backstory to draw us closer to them and to pace the show well. It was a great conversation that you can check out below!
“Paradise” is set in an upscale community inhabited by some of the world’s most prominent individuals. But this tranquility explodes when a shocking murder occurs and a high-stakes investigation unfolds.
Watch “Paradise” on Hulu.