LA Comic Con 2024 (LACC 2024) is the latest edition of one of the largest comic conventions here in the USA. Taking place over the course of three days from October 4-6, 2024; the convention isn’t just a celebration of comics. It has become a celebration of media period, ranging everywhere from comics to gaming to sci-fi and even to anime these days. All are here at LACC 2024. Perhaps this layman’s slice of this year’s LACC might convince you to go to next year’s edition?

LA Comic Con 2024: When and Where

LA Comic Con 2024 (LACC 2024) began on October 4, 2024 at 1:00 PM and ended at 8:00 PM. The second day on October 5, 2024 began even earlier at 9:30 AM and lasted until 7:00 PM. The third and final day on October 6, 2024 ran from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

All three days of LACC 2024 took place at the Los Angeles Convention Center in downtown LA. Specifically: 1201 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA; 90015. The LA Convention Center has numerous parking lots around it, including its own dedicated parking structure right next door. However, if you want to save the most on cash, then the LA Metro is your best option here. Pico station is the closest to the LA Convention Center, so look that up if you’re strapped for cash and don’t mind a little public transportation.

LA Comic Con 2024: Booth Highlights

Alas, one person can only cover so much of LACC 2024 in only one day. That day being the grand opening on October 4. Thus, I can only show you a small portion of what booths the convention has to offer. Let’s start with:

Prism Comics

LACC 2024 Prism Comics photo 1.
Always the place to go for yuri books.

Every year, Prism Comics has a booth at LACC 2024. Thus, every year there is always some lovely LGBTQ+ comics and graphic novels to take home at their booth. For me, that booth fuels my love of yuri, and I dearly appreciate their continued presence at every LA Comic Con.

3D Printer

3D printer at LACC 2024.
So this is what a 3D printer looks like.

Alas, I have forgotten exactly what this booth is called, so I’ll just call it the 3D Printer booth. They actually had a working 3D printer on a table as a demonstrator for all the 3D-printed dice and tabletop RPG products they were selling. Perhaps one day, someone might even sell a 3D printer at LACC 2024? Who knows.

Japanese Antiques Booth

Japanese Antique Booth 1.
I still think it’s crazy that they’re selling these.

Alas, this is another booth whose actual name escapes me, so I will simply refer to it as the Japanese Antiques booth, because that’s what they sold. Authentic Japanese antiques was the name of their game. From authentic Japanese fans, to Japanese cameras, to Edo-era books, to even authentic Japanese military medals from WWII. I felt iffy about this. A lot of this stuff felt like they should belong in a museum somewhere, but I guess no museum would take them. Oh, well.

Japanese Antique Booth 2.
No, these aren’t reproductions. There’s no reason to reproduce bookworm damage.

Whiskey Hill Jerky

Whiskey Hill Jerky exotic meats booth.
Would you pay $15 to find out what elk or bison tastes like?

It’s definitely not just comics on sale at LA Comic Con. Food is there aplenty, just like jerky from Whiskey Hill Smokehouse. They even have jerky made from nonstandard animals like deer, elk, and bison. It’s a hefty $15 as yout can see, but it might be worth the price if you want to know what they taste like.

Mustafar Marketplace

LACC 2024 Mustafar Marketplace booth.
I didn’t know battle droids were so huge.

Mustafar Marketplace has a booth in LACC 2024, and as you can tell by the name: they specialize in Star Wars stuff. Namely: figurines and figures. Even life-sized B1 Battle Droids like the one above. I had no idea they were over 6 feet tall until that day.

Timbo’s Licorice Rope

Timbo's Licorice Rope booth.
Now that’s a lot of licorice.

And of course, if you want something sweet and/or sour, you can always try a visit to the Timbo’s Licorice Rope booth. As you can see, they have a bunch of fairly lengthy licorice, and in a wide variety of flavors as well.

Lego Booths

Brickstruct booth 1.
Lego tanks? I’m in.

There are far too many of these booths at LACC 2024 for me to even name. Thus, I’ll call them all collectively as Lego booths or Lego-compatible booths. All of them feature custom Lego sets for your perusal, and a lot of times, in unofficial collaborations that The Lego Company hasn’t gotten around to doing. Yet.

Brickstruct booth 2.
I swear, this KISS concert set looks like it could be official.

Michael J. Fox Foundation

Michael J. Fox Foundation booth.
Fans of Michael J. Fox will remember why he’s got his own foundation for Parkinson’s.

Michael J. Fox is one of the guest stars at LACC 2024, so it’s only fitting that his Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research is one of the booths there. Complete with information about Parkinson’s, free souvenirs, and learning how to donate to the foundation to boot.


PHZME and VHS booth 1.
I’ve never seen so many VHS tapes in one place in recent times.

One of the oddest booths I encountered in LACC 2024 is the PHZME booth. Its entire purpose is the preservation and selling of VHS tapes. They even have novelty CRT TVs featuring various franchises like SpongeBob SquarePants, Batman, and Pirates of the Caribbean. This is perhaps all the nostalgia you could ever want in a single booth. Heck, I even own a lot of those VHS boxes myself, so the nostalgia hit me especially hard.

PHZME and VHS booth 2.
I didn’t even realize these existed.

Matt’s Droids

Matt's Droids R2-D2.
Complete with R2-D2’s sound effects and moving bits too.

Matt’s Droids have always had a presence at every LA Comic Con, and this includes LACC 2024. This time, they’ve brought out not only R2-D2, but another astromech droid and even WALL-E. All with fully mobile units, complete with the canonically correct sound effects and canonically movable parts. It’s definitely a treat for sci-fi fans, especially since Matt’s Droids are constantly improving each of their robots. This includes adding a little cockroach to WALL-E’s “shoulder”.

Matt's Droids WALL-E.
Now all he needs to do is compress into a box, and he’ll be perfect.

Bone Clones

Bone Clones booth 1.
That’s a lot of bones, but that’s okay. They’re mostly fake.

Bone Clones is a booth I never expected to find at LACC 2024. Apparently, they’re a group that specializes in making resin reproductions of actual skeletons…and the occasional small creature. Thus, you can expect to get some extremely accurate bone reproductions at this booth. This is where I also learned that it’s illegal for anyone to possess an eagle feather, since their eagle skeleton is using modified turkey feathers instead.

Bone Clones booth 2.
Remember, only Native Americans can own eagle feathers.

Shield Fern Guild’s Museum of Natural Wonders

Shield Fern Guild's Museum of Natural Wonders T-rex skull.
As it turns out: T-rex skulls are bigger than I had thought.

Shield Fern Guild’s Museum of Natural Wonders is another odd booth at LACC 2024. They’re basically a group using cosplay and other comic con convention to raise awareness about the natural world and how we can preserve it. As someone who feels ecologically inclined, I’m all for this. Especially since they had a bunch of cool dinosaur fossils on display there. No touching though. The oils in your hands can apparently damage fossils, so it’s “Look Only” here.

Shield Fern Guild's Museum of Natural Wonders Pachycephalosaurus skull.
Pachycephalosaurs are also pretty big.

Los Angeles Zoo

Los Angeles Zoo booth 1.
The safest way to pet a wild animal.

The Los Angeles Zoo is the last booth on this list, and also a booth I didn’t expect to see at LACC 2024. Their booth was not only about raising awareness of the zoo itself, but was also done in collaboration with the aforementioned Shield Fern Guild to raise awareness of the natural world. Frankly, I’m all for this. Especially since the booth featured the pelts of various creatures for you to pet. The rabbit was the softest, in my opinion. I kept returning to stroke that soft, fluffy fur.

Los Angeles Zoo booth 2.
The coyote fur wasn’t too bad either.

LACC 2024 Exhibits

Back to the Future DeLorean

Back to the Future DeLorean exhibit 1.
Back to the Future continues to be popular at LACC 2024.
Back to the Future DeLorean exhibit 2.
And for good reason too. The Back to the Future trilogy is something everyone should watch at least once.

Iron Man Hulkbuster

Hulkbuster Suit at LACC 2024.
You can really get an appreciation of how big the Hulkbuster suit is here.


Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel cosplayer.
Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel.
Din Djain from The Mandalorian cosplayer.
Din Djain from The Mandalorian.