“Succubus” a horror-thriller from Shout! Studios is now available on Digital and VOD across the major platforms. The film is written and directed by R.J. Daniel Hanna. Following the relatable tale of a man desperate to make a connection as he deals with his separation from his wife. But even evil has now found the use of modern technology as a Succubus lures him in.


With the release of “Succubus” I spoke with two of the stars of the film Rachel Cook and Brendan Bradley. Cook shares her experience on playing the seductive evil entity in the film. Bradley talks about playing a character that is alone and searching for someone to connect with. Both talk about filming alone as a lot of their scenes take place through screens. It was a fun conversation that you can check out below!


“Succubus” follows a young father going through a marital separation, joins a dating app, and matches with a beautiful but mysterious young woman…whose powers of seduction and manipulation entangle him in a mystery more horrifying than he could have ever imagined.