DreamWorks Animation has adapted Peter Brown’s acclaimed bestseller, The Wild Robot, into a stunning animated feature. This captivating story chronicles the adventures of ROZZUM, commonly referred to as Roz, a robot that finds itself stranded on a deserted island. As Roz learns to navigate the challenges of her new environment, she forms bonds with the island’s wildlife and ultimately takes on the role of a nurturing parent to a young orphaned gosling.

The animation in The Wild Robot is truly a visual masterpiece. The creators have skillfully blended computer-generated imagery with an aesthetic that resembles exquisite hand-drawn paintings. While other studios have attempted to achieve a similar effect, DreamWorks has succeeded.

The Wild Robot Is a Dark, but Family Friendly Adventure

So, as we explore Roz’s journey, viewers are presented with a dark yet family-friendly narrative. The Wild Robot doesn’t shy away from what happens in nature, or even the accident that leaves Roz a mother. However, in true Dreamworks fashion, the script does a great job of balancing the heavier moments with excellent humor.

Roz is voiced by Lupita Nyong’o (A Quiet Place: Day One), who delivers an impressively nuanced performance. Initially, I didn’t recognize her voice. She starts with a vibrant robotic tone that gradually transitions into a more natural and witty expression reminiscent of her voice. Despite the robot’s limited means of expression, Nyong’o’s performance, combined with the exceptional animation pulled at every heartstring. I found myself not only falling in love with the character but fully empathizing with her humorous challenges as she navigates her new role as a “mother”.

While many themes weave throughout The Wild Robot my favorite focus is on chosen family. Roz has found herself stranded in the wilderness, going against her programming, and finding love and family in unlikely places. This journey highlights that family is not solely defined by blood relations but can also be formed through shared experiences, mutual support, and friendship.

The Wild Robot hits theaters on Friday, September 27, 2024! Go see it!