Dragon Ball DAIMA is the latest series in the very long-running Dragon Ball anime franchise by Toei Animation (Sailor Moon, Digimon, One Piece). Based off the manga and media franchise of the same name by the late, great Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, Dr. Slump), this franchise has been one of the most successful franchises in anime history. Seriously, Dragon Ball is perhaps the most mainstream of mainstream anime. You can’t go anywhere in the anime world without at least hearing of it.

In fact, Dragon Ball DAIMA will be the sixth mainline anime series in the franchise. That should tell you just how popular it is. That is, when we eventually see it. Fortunately, Crunchyroll is on the case here, and will be streaming this anime fairly soon. Don’t believe me? Then why not check out Crunchyroll’s official trailer below, and see for yourself if this latest Dragon Ball anime series is for you.

Dragon Ball DAIMA: Details

Small children. Small children everywhere!

Crunchyroll is proud to announce that they will soon be streaming Dragon Ball DAIMA with an official trailer on YouTube. When will this be, you might ask? Well, according to them, this latest Dragon Ball anime from directors Yoshitaka Yashima (key animator, Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge) and Aya Komaki (series director, One Piece) will make its streaming debut on October 11, 2024. The stream will be available in the United States, Canada, Latin America including Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, and Southeast Asia; with new episodes streaming weekly in a simulcast with Japan.

Bonus: Key Art and Synopsis

Dragon Ball DAIMA NA key art horizontal.
It seems everyone is small in this world.

That’s not all, folks! Crunchyroll also has an official synopsis for Dragon Ball DAIMA to tease the story a bit, as well as to help explain why everyone is tiny. You can check out that synopsis below:

Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned small. What sort of adventure awaits Goku, Supreme Kai, and the new characters Glorio and Panzy in this unknown world, the “Demon Realm”?

Tune back in to THS to find out more about Dragon Ball and other anime when we do.

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