In one of her many hit songs, Rihanna once sang about finding love in a hopeless place. While that may apply to many great romances throughout history and pop culture, more recently it applies to two young passengers aboard a ship meant to establish a new colony for humanity. Of course, we’re talking about Angus Medford and Alicia Nevins from SyFy’s The Ark. However, based on the ending of the first season, the young, adorkable crew members of the Ark One found a number of obstacles in their way. Among them was the shocking cliffhanger that plagued fans for over a year. 

Although, with season two recently premiering, fans finally know the fate of Angus and Alicia. But in order to learn what to expect from the characters played by Ryan Adams and Stacey Read in the upcoming season; That Hashtag Show went directly to the source. 

Ahead of the July 17th season premiere; we had a chance to speak to Adams and Read about the latest season of The Ark. Following the revelation that both Alicia and Angus survived the planet explosion at the end of season one, the stars teased where their characters would go from there. They discussed the vibes on set, when they found out their characters’ fates, and their growth both onscreen and off. Plus, while discussing Samantha Glassner’s Kelly, we even touched on bad dates. You can see the whole interview on our YouTube channel below:

For more on the returning series, here is the official synopsis of The Ark:

The Ark takes place 100 years in the future when planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. In season two, after the brave crew of Ark One reaches their destination and finds it uninhabitable, they must survive long enough to locate a new home for themselves and all the ships that follow.

New episodes of The Ark starring Christie Burke, Richard Fleeshman, Reece Ritchie, Stacey Read, and Ryan Adams air every Wednesday at 10:00pm on SyFy with replays available on Peacock.

For more TV, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

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