With the success of the viral short film, VADER EPISODE 1: SHARDS OF THE PAST, we’ve decided to update our 2018 list of favorite Star Wars fan films. This is never an easy task, there are so many to choose from, but we definitely felt we should update our picks to include the Star Wars Theory produced story.
1.VADER EPISODE 1: Shards Of The Past (2018)
A look into the journey of becoming Darth Vader after the death of Anakin Skywalker. Produced by the popular YouTubers, Star Wars Theory and directed by Danny Ramirez.
2.Kara (2016)
A beautiful film about a young and scared force wielder looking for some peace and closure. Written and Directed by Joe Sill.
3. TIE Fighter – short film (2015)
What can you say about this short, the simple description? Star Wars, Heavy Metal style. Cool AF!!! Drawn and animated by Paul Johnson.
4. EXILE – EP1 (2016)
True epic filmmaking by obvious Star Wars fanatics! New and traditional all at the same time, they is a captivating watch. Just wondering where EP2 is? Directed By Pokey Spears and Noel Braham.
5. Star Wars: A New Employee Orientation (2015)
Hilarious and necessary. Every new employee should know a thing or two before their first day on the job! Written and directed by Collin Murphy and Jared Hundley.