This anime film spinoff/sequel of The Seven Deadly Sins anime is supposed to introduce us to Meliodas’ son: Tristan. Unfortunately, while it does that, it also introduces us to something unwanted: bad CGI. Don’t believe me? Then watch the teaser trailer from Netflix for yourself, and cringe in horror:
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh ~ Details
Netflix officially announced The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh with the teaser trailer above as part of Netflix Festival Japan 2021. This will be a 2-part anime film series that takes place long after the events of The Seven Deadly Sins anime proper. Specifically, this anime film series will star main character Meliodas’ son: Tristan in a spinoff/sequel of the main series. The first part of this anime film series will debut sometime in 2022, but only on Netflix. If you want to watch this, you’ll have to cough up some cash for a Netflix subscription.
But honestly, based on the animation quality of The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh, why would you want to?
The Deadly Sin of CGI?
Honestly, if Netflix wanted to build up hype for The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh, this isn’t working. It’s bad enough that they switched from the gorgeous hand-drawn animation of the original anime in the first place. That already nets you negative points with the people who like that. But then to show off this horrible CGI? It’s madness, I tell you! What were they thinking? Why did they think people would like this CGI animation that looks like it came out of the early 2000’s?
Frankly, it’s hard to see The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh seeing any kind of success here. There’s no way they would radically alter the animation style now that they’ve shown the teaser trailer for the anime film. My guess is that even if it has a great story, the poor animation is going to mar it, and prevent it from reaching critical acclaim. This is just speculation for now though. Take it with as many grains of salt as you like.
Source: Netflix Anime YouTube