Friend of THS Wrestling and creator of The Wrestling Classic, Justin Dhillon sat down with Renee Paquette (formerly Renee Young) to talk about her career and life. She’s currently pregnant, but she still had the time to sit down virtually. In the interview she drops some pretty juicy details about her career in WWE. Right now, she’s waiting on the baby, but she’s also active in cooking and has a cookbook out now! She’s truly a modern day renaissance woman. She’s dipping into podcasting, wrestling, media, and much more.

Highlights From The Interview With Renee

As for the interview, it’s a fascinating conversation that goes much more in depth with someone who’s seen it all in Pro Wrestling. Normally you get maybe 20 minutes with someone and they’re just there to plug something and drop a quick detail. Not here. With Justin, it seemed like Renee was completely comfortable, and that led to a great conversation about all things in her life.

Some of the most interesting things she dropped was about how she actually never wanted to be a commentator. That’s a shift from what I thought about her, because she was so fantastic on commentary. It was also hilarious at the very end, we got a audio run-in from Jon Moxley listening to another podcast.

You can check out her book Messy In The Kitchen: My Guide to Eating Deliciously, Hosting Fabulously and Sipping Copiously here! You can also check out Renee’s show, Oral Sessions on YouTube.

So, what did you think of TWC’s interview with Renee? I cannot wait to see her back on our screens in some form because she’s so amazing in interviews and backstage segments.

Check out the interview, and check out The Wrestling Classic on Instagram and whenever he makes an appearance on the THS Wrestling Show on Sundays!

For more on Wrestling, interviews, or any other general pop culture, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.