By all accounts, the second season of Castlevania: Nocturne has been a wild success. In fact, it did even better than the first season. Whereas the first season got 96% over 25 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, the second season got 100% over 16. It’s pretty clear that Powerhouse Animation Studios and Project 51 Productions did something right for Netflix when that second season premiered on January 16, 2025. And just a little over two years after the first season made its own debut on September 28, 2023 to boot.

A good part of why Castlevania: Nocturne season 2 has been due to the music. With Trevor Morris and Trey Toy as the composers, the second season of this anime-esque series had music as good as the first. Thus, you can fully understand why Belmont Family Productions is very eager to announce the release of the Original Soundtrack for that second season.

That Castlevania: Nocturne season 2 Original Soundtrack is in fact available for digital download right now on February 28, 2025. You can download it directly from digital platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music. If you’re curious about what the full soundtrack offers, then you can view the full list of tracks below:

Castlevania: Nocturne Season 2 (Official Soundtrack)

Castlevania: Nocturne Season 2 Official Soundtrack cover art
Complete with Richter growling at you the entire time.

1. Your Choice

2. She Who Mauls

3. Fire It Is

4. Making Monsters

5. Powerful, Predatory, Deadly

6. Heavenly Father

7. Somewhere Safe

8. Please Don’t Leave Me

9. Si dolce e’l tormento

10. A Third Soul

11. We Have Been Waiting

12. Part of the Same Story

13. Being Dracula’s Son

14. You Should Tell Her

15. Annette’s Journey

16. Maria Renard

17. Grenadye Alaso

18. Révolution

19. Just a Snake

20. The Earth Needs the Dawn

21. Red Eyes and Blue Flame

22. I Did This For You

23. Richter, My Friend

24. Don’t Leave Me

25. Greatsword

26. A World to Win

27. You’ve Seen the Devil

28. Alone for Many Years

29. Vedro con mio diletto

30. The Belmont Family

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