The Simpsons is bringing The Past and The Furious to Disney+. A new exclusive episode takes Lisa back in time to the 1920s. Together with a younger Mr. Burns, she sets out to do right. But, will her meddling help cause the businessman to be worse? It’s a fun concept and the kind of character work that The Simpsons is known for.

Disney+ describes The Past and The Furious: “In this exclusive full-length episode of The Simpsons, Lisa travels back in time to 1923 and discovers that the Springfield Mini Moose, once key to the town’s ecosystem, were driven to extinction in 1925. Teaming up with young Monty Burns, Lisa works to save the moose, but her actions unintentionally shape his future as a ruthless tycoon.”

The Past and The Furious

Fans can keep up with The Simpsons first 35 seasons on Disney+ along with The Simpsons Movie. There are 10 different shorts featuring these iconic characters on the streamer as well. Viewers that want a little animation can navigate over to The Simpsons Collection inside the app for more.

Disney+ Keeps The Simpsons Train Rolling On

The Simpsons

There’s no question that The Simpsons has been big business for Disney+. From special NFL games to these clever specials, the yellow family has found a home on the streamer. As 2025 continues, fans are hoping for another holiday special at some point as well.

“Original, brilliant, outrageously funny, prophetic…there aren’t enough positive adjectives to describe this genius comedy which continues to entertain viewers of all ages,” Dana Walden, Chairman of Entertainment, Walt Disney Television previously said. 

She continued, “Jim Brooks, Matt Groening and Al Jean lead a team of all-stars who hold such a high bar for themselves and leap over it with each spectacular episode. On behalf of everyone at our studio and the millions of fans of THE SIMPSONS around the world, I want to thank our wonderful partners at FOX for making this a truly great day.”

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