Disney+’s anthology series adaptation of R.L. Stine’s beloved Goosebumps books returns this month. In Goosebumps: The Vanishing, twins Cece and Devin find themselves caught between a mystery at home and one dating back to 1994.
We sat down with Sam McCarthy and Jayden Bartels to talk about where we find Cece and Devin at the start of the season, the spookiest filming locations on set in New York City, and their best supernatural-fighting advice.
And, since one of the main influences for the season is Stine’s book Stay Out of the Basement, we ask them one all-important question. If someone tells you to stay out of the basement… do you listen?
Check out our full interview with McCarthy and Bartels below to see their answer!
About Goosebumps: The Vanishing
In Goosebumps: The Vanishing, twins Cece and Devin Brewer are sent to spend a summer with their divorced dad. But a threat is stirring in Gravesend, Brooklyn. They quickly realize that dark secrets are among them, triggering a chain of events that unravel a profound mystery. As they delve into the unknown, Cece, Devin and their friends — Alex, CJ, and Frankie — find themselves entangled in the chilling tale of four teenagers who mysteriously vanished in 1994.
Emmy Award nominee David Schwimmer leads a brand-new cast as Anthony Brewer, a former botany professor who has immersed himself in science and mystery. The season also stars Ana Ortiz as police detective Jen; Jayden Bartels as Cece and Sam McCarthy as Devin; Elijah M. Cooper as CJ, Galilea La Salvia as Frankie, Francesca Noel as Alex, and Stony Blyden as Trey.
Goosebumps: The Vanishing premieres on Disney+ and Hulu January 10.