Old Guy is an action-comedy film directed by Simon West and penned by Greg Johnson. Shot on location in Northern Ireland, it features a talented cast including Academy Award Winner Christoph Waltz, Lucy Liu, and Cooper Hoffman.

The film follows a contract killer nearing retirement due to arthritis and receives a surprising opportunity for fieldwork training with Wihlborg, a talented young assassin known for his brash demeanor. Their mission in Northern Ireland becomes increasingly complicated as suspicions arise that Wihlborg may be part of a scheme to systematically replace the older generation of assassins with a new breed.

Watch the OLD Guy Trailer Below!

Official Synopsis for Old Guy:

An aging hitman (Christoph Waltz) is forced to train a young prodigy (Cooper Hoffman) when his employer moves to replace the old guard. But when they learn they are being betrayed, the unlikely pair turns into a lethal team – with their double-crossing bosses in their sights. Lucy Liu also stars in this action-packed comedy from the director of CON AIR and THE EXPENDABLES 2.

Starring alongside Christoph Waltz (Inglourious Basterds), Lucy Liu (Red One), and Cooper Hoffman are Ryan McParland, Ann Akinjirin, Jason Done, Tony Hirst, Kate Katzman, Conor Mullen, and Rory Mullen.

Martin Brennan and Jib Polhemus produce Old Guy under the Dark Castle Entertainment banner. The film had its premiere at the Newport Beach Film Festival on October 17, 2024, and is slated for a theatrical release in the United States on February 21, 2025.