Writer/Director Claire Ayoub brings to life a story close to my heart. Empire Waist follows a young girl who is uncomfortable in her own skin. However, with the help of her new friends, she finds the confidence that’s been inside all along.

Lenore is a plus-sized teenager who unexpectedly finds herself in the limelight. How? Her classmate uncovers her remarkable talent for fashion. Despite this newfound attention, Lenore grapples with her insecurities and the concerns of her image-conscious mother, which hinder her from confidently showcasing her designs.

I had a chat with writer/director Claire Ayoub, as well as the stars of the film, Mia Kaplan and Jemima Yevu, to discuss the importance of the movie.

EMPIRE WAIST: Mia Kaplan, Jemima Yevu, and Claire Ayoub | THS INTERVIEW


Empire Waist follows Lenore (Kaplan), a teen deeply insecure about her weight. Hiding her passion for fashion design, she tries to make herself invisible in her day-to-day life to avoid being bullied by her classmates and image-conscious mother (Pyle). Lenore’s father Mark (Wilson) is her biggest cheerleader and her best friend Kayla (newcomer Jemima Yevu) is confident, funny, outgoing, and proud of her plus-sized body. Through their support along with teacher Ms. Hall (Jolene Purdy) Lenore is encouraged to step outside her comfort zone and embrace her talent.

Starring alongside Mia Kaplan and Jemima Yevu are Rainn Wilson (The Office), Missi Pyle (Glitter and Doom), and White Lotus’s Jolene Purdy.

Empire Waist hits theaters on Friday, September 27, 2024! Go see it!