The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth are both in their own ways cinematic masterpieces of the 1990s. The most obvious reason why is that the legendary Jim Henson (The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock) directed both films. Not only that, but Jim Henson’s Creature Shop was responsible for the puppetry work in both films. Most excellent puppetry too, as the fact that both films have now become cult classics in the modern day can attest to.

All of which is why Shout! Studios wants to do a home video release of both The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Not only that, but those releases are even in some very shiny Collector’s Sets too, full of as many physical extras as a Jim Henson fan could possibly want. Don’t believe me? Then why not check out their respective trailers below, and for yourself if these extras are good enough to motivate you into purchasing them?

The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth Limited Edition Collector’s Sets: Details

Even complete with a replica shard of the crystal for you to act out your dark fantasy adventure dreams with.
This one also comes with a replica crystal ball for you to look into.

Shout! Studios is proud to announce that they will soon be releasing The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth in limited edition collector’s sets. Each set comes with a 4K UHD and Blu-ray of their respective films. Not only that, but they each contain numerous extras, both digital in the form of special features, and also physical ones. Both versions will launch on November 19, 2024. You don’t have to wait for that date though. You can in fact preorder both collector’s sets right now from Shout! Factory, where you can even pick the version of the films you want depending on how many shinies you want.

The Dark Crystal: Special Features

Want a peek at the special features awaiting you in The Dark Crystal Limited Edition Collector’s Set? Well, Shout! Studios has a list of them, which you can check out below:

  • Disc One (4K UHD™):
    • NEW Fan Event Q&A with Lisa Henson
    • Audio Commentary with conceptual designer Brian Froud
  • Disc Two (Blu-ray™):
    • Audio Commentary with Brian Froud
    • The Dark Crystal: The Myth, Magic and Henson Legacy”
    • “The World of The Dark Crystal” Documentary
    • “Reflections of The Dark Crystal: Light On The Path Of Creation”
    • “Reflections of The Dark Crystal: Shard of Illusion”
    • Picture-in-Picture Storyboard Track
    • Original Skeksis Language Scenes With Introduction By Screenwriter David Odell
    • Deleted Scenes
    • Photo Galleries
    • Theatrical Trailers

Labyrinth: Special Features

Shout! Studios also has the special features for Labyrinth as well. You can check those out below too:

  • Disc One (4K UHD™):
    • NEW Fan Event Q&As with Brian Henson and Toby Froud
    • NEW Contact Juggling Tutorial
    • Audio Commentary with conceptual designer Brian Froud
  • Disc Two (Blu-ray™):
    • Audio Commentary with Brian Froud
    • “Reordering Time: Looking Back at Labyrinth
    •  “The Henson Legacy”
    • “Remembering The Goblin King”
    • Labyrinth Anniversary Q&A
    • “Inside The Labyrinth” Making-Of Documentary
    • “Journey Through The Labyrinth: Kingdom Of Characters”
    • “Journey Through The Labyrinth: The Quest For Goblin City”
    • The Storytellers: Picture-In-Picture Track
    • Deleted and Alternate Scenes including Audio Commentary with Brian Henson
    • Theatrical Trailer

Tune back in to THS for more home video announcements when we get them.