Wolf Man is one of the most hotly anticipated horror movies coming out of Blumhouse Productions and Motel Movies and with Leigh Whannell (Insidious: Chapter 3, Upgrade, The Invisible Man (2020)) as the director. Not least of which is because it’s a reboot of one of the classic Universal Monsters films. Specifically: the one of the same name dating from 1941. With Universal Pictures’ obsession with reboots of their Universal Monsters franchise lately, it’s no wonder that this film is getting a reboot.

It’s also no wonder why fans are so excited over it as well. In fact, you can totally understand why fans would pay attention to a small bit of promotional art for Wolf Man. Even if they’re utterly confused by this particular promo. Why, you might ask? Well, have a gander for yourself below, and see if you’re just as confused as I was.

Wolf Man: Halloween Horror Nights Promotional Art Details

This…is supposed to be Wolf Man?

Comic Book has just revealed that Wolf Man has just made his debut at a promotional art piece during Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando Resort. However, as you can see in the Twitter/X video above, there’s something a little…off about our titular werewolf. His hair looks a bit on the white side. He seems to have a bit more wrinkles and liver spots than what we would expect. Not to mention his general appearance is more reminiscent of a goblin rather than a werewolf. So according to Universal Pictures, the Wolf Man is…an elderly goblin? I mean, the performer underneath the costume is doing perfectly fine. It’s just the costume itself which is the problem.

I’m not alone in thinking this either. Twitter users are busy mocking this version of the Wolf Man. Even the most charitable of the comments are hoping that this isn’t the final version of the monster. You can read a selection of the choicest comments below:

The GIF is especially biting.
Blumhouse, or Universal Pictures? Possibly both? Either way, this is their Wolf Man.
Hopefully not.

If this is the mid-transformation, I’d hate to see the final form.

Fortunately, there’s still time for Leigh Whannell and Universal Pictures to correct their course. Wolf Man will make his theatrical debut on January 17, 2025. That’s still plenty of time to fix up the costume, right? We’ll just have to see then.

Tune back in to THS to find out more about Universal Monsters films when we do.

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