Hey everybody, have you heard the news? Joe Bob is back in town. This week, Joe Bob and Darcy ended the season with a six-movie-long Nightmareathon. The marathon had the horror host show not one movie as is usually the norm, but a total of six. The movies shown were:
- The Slumber Party Massacre
- When Evil Lurks
- Bloody Muscle Bodybuilder In Hell (aka The Japanese Evil Dead)
- Fade To Black
- Children Of The Corn
- Galaxy Of Terror
If you’re unfamiliar, every second week on The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs. The former Monstervision host and his co-host Darcy The Mail Girl feature a movie (or in this case, six); that sometimes has a timely theme (although, it’s not always necessary).
The Six Movie Nightmareathon

The movie shown for the Nightmareathon ranged from great, to good, to baffling. It was certainly a wide array of movies.
Movies like The Slumber Party Massacre and Children Of The Corn are considered classics and are fun rewatches for those who’ve seen them.
Fade To Black was a fun inclusion, it’s a movie I don’t think many people know about but it brings a lot of the energy of a drive-in movie and was a good watch. When Evil Lurks is also a movie that isn’t on many people’s radars but was a good inclusion.
Bloody Muscle Bodybuilder In Hell was fun, and had some good blood and gore. However, the movie looks like it was filmed on VHS and has a very rough and grainy quality to it. It was hard to track the movie with this low-resolution image. I also think putting it third in the Nightmareathon when many people were already falling asleep wasn’t the best idea.
Galaxy Of Terror closed out the Nightmareathon and while the movie is interesting enough, it was nice to see Joe Bob pay tribute to Rodger Corman. A Man he clearly admired and sees as a friend. It was a very touching tribute and really showed the admiration Joe Bob has for these filmmakers.
The segments and the guests for these movies were also fun with guests such as Felissa Rose and Rhonda Shear among others. It’s always fun when there are guests on The Last Drive-In.
While I had a great time, it would’ve been nice to see a bit leaner and tighter of a selection of movies. Particularly as the original The Last Drive-In marathon had such a strong roster. Still, this was a fun way to end the season as we await Season 7.
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