Star Trek took center stage (a/k/a Hall H) at Comicon-Con International (SDCC 2024) today for one of this year’s Con’s more highly anticipated panels… and didn’t disappoint. The panel kicked off with Star Trek: Brave New World, which left fans with a cliffhanger at the end of Season 2. While we got very little in terms of plot points, we did get some insight into Season 3.

For one, we’re going see more romantic undertones in the new season of Brave New Worlds. Rbecca Romijn promised that we’d see her character “in a way you’ve never seen” this season, a much lighter side. We’ll also have to see how Dr. Korby’s *new* Star Trek debut will impact a certain Vulcan-human relationship in Season 3. What shocked fans though, was Akiva Goldsman’s bombshell that they are exploring the notion of a musical stage production of Subspace Rhapsody. Almost lost in the mix was the announcement that the show would return for Season 4.

Star Trek
Image: Paramount+

Star Trek ventures in many bold, new directions

Some sad news at the panel: Lower Decks is, unfortunately, entering its fifth and final season. Debuting October 24th, producer Mike McMahon promised that the final season of the animated Star Trek series would be an emotional celebration of everything Lower Decks and the franchise. Mariner will grow emotionally, as will Ransom. (Jerry O’Connell nailed the description of his character as “California Riker.” If there’s a takeaway from this, though, it’s how they described the last season. Each time they said final season it was always “final season…. On Paramount+.” Let’s keep an eye on that.

Back to Starfleet Academy

A new entry into Start Trek lore will be Starfleet Academy, which franchise show runner Alex Kurtzman described as us getting to see “captains before they were captains.” Featuring a cast of newcomers supported by some legacy actors (Tig Nataro, Mary Wiseman, and Robert Picardo), the show looks to be a fun new addition to the franchise.

Wrapping up the panel was perhaps the most exciting reveal of all. Here we got a first look at Star Trek: Section 31, the action movie featuring Michelle Yeoh. Check it out for yourself:

All in all, Star Trek looks like it will indeed continue to…I’m gonna say it…. Live long, and prosper.

If you want to catch up on past seasons, Please visit Paramount+.