Just when you thought Invincible couldn’t go any deeper…. Well, buckle up fans. According to creator Robert Kirkman, the now-greenlit Season 3 of the hit Prime Video adult animation series is going to get “even darker.” At least that’s what Kirkman told us when he spoke with the media yesterday at Comic-Con International (SDCC 2024). So, what exactly does that mean?

For those familiar with the comics and the show, Invincible follows the story of Mark Grayson, superhero son to Omni-Man. Mark is constantly living in his father’s shadow, with Season 2 taking the upstart hero to some dark places. Kirkman declaring that Season 3 will go even darker does not bode well for the titular character. When pressed for details, however, Kirkman was his usual, tight-lipped self.
Invincible renewed for Season 3
In describing Mark’s journey, Kirkman said:
“Season 1 was ‘I want to be my dad.’ Season 2 was ‘I hate my dad.” Now Seasos three could be “oh my God, I am my dad!’ Things start to get dark.”
That’s true in more ways than one. Kirkman did give us one new detail: Season 3 of Invincible will see Mark Grayson enter the “dark suit” era. We got a sneak peak at the new blue and black suit at yesterday’s panel.

Kirkman went on to say that Invincible is “everything [he’] ever loved about superhero comics told in one story.” It’s the long narrative that excites him. The difficulty that lies therein, however, is the timing. Creating a single season of an animated series, he told us, takes upwards of three years. That accounted for the long gap between Invincible Seasons 1 and 2. He promises that the gap between Seasons 2 and 3 won’t be as long… But he couldn’t tell us when the next season will drop.
Still, there was more good news – The show’s already been approved for Season 4, as well. in the meantime, Seasons 1 and 2 are available on Prime Video.
Stay tuned here to That Hashtag Show for all your SDCC 2024 news!