World of Wonder’s new reality series, House on Fire is based in New York. The show centers around the renowned ‘House’ in the Ballroom scene, the House of Miyake-Mugler. Produced by ITV America, Good Company, and Hey, Man Productions, the show delves into the lives of the house’s members and its leaders, Yusef Mugler and Exotic Mugler. As they navigate the challenges of competition, the duo also take on the responsibilities of guiding and nurturing their gifted group of individuals.

At DragCon, I had a chance to chat with House on Fire cast members Yusef Miyake-Mugler and AJ Boardray Miyake-Mugler! Watch the interview below!

HOUSE ON FIRE: Yusef Miyake-Mugler & AJ Boardray Miyake-Mugler


The official synopsis of House on Fire from World of Wonder:

House on Fire is set in New York and follows the pre-eminent ‘House’ in the Ballroom scene, the House of Miyake-Mugler. Produced by ITV America, Good Company and Hey, Man Productions it follows the house’s family members and the heads of the household, Yusef Mugler and Exotic Mugler, as they juggle the pressures of competition and mentoring their talented cohort.


World of Wonder has reshaped international pop culture. They have earned 33 Emmys, inspiring two Oscars, and creating the global network WOW Presents Plus. They are bringing drag culture to the world stage via Drag Race and DragCon. Watch the Drag Race franchise and exclusive WOW Originals on WOW Presents Plus.