[This article contains a review of Season 4 of The Boys. While we discuss the season in general terms, be wary if you don’t want any hints about what’s to come.] I… whoa. The Boys has never been short on the shock, satire and awe, that much is certain. Fans might be surprised to know that Season 4, however, doesn’t rely quit so heavily on the shock and awe as have its prior seasons. Oh, there’s still plenty of blood, guts, and profanely funny humor… This season just hits a little differently, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
As expected, The Boys Season 4 picks right back up with the aftermath of Homelander’s lasering of a protester and his ensuing trial for murder. Antony Starr continues to shine as the shows big baddie, superbly portraying Homelander’s mental instability and insecurities. There are even those times when you feel a twinge of sympathy, only to be jarred right back to a whole lot of “nope.” That you even feel for Homelander at all, even momentarily, is a testament to Starr’s talent. It’s the acting, his and others, that truly carries Season 4.
The Boys: diabolical in more ways than one
For a show known for its shock-factor, Season 4, even with its far-fetched, alternative reality, feels very much grounded. Satire, of course, is in full effect and, in many ways, hits a little too close to home. (Lord only knows what will happen in Season 5.) The Boys Season 4, with its on-point mirroring of many aspects of current, American politics is likely going to anger one political group in this country more than another. (Which, honestly just makes the satirical treatment of current affairs even more entertaining.) Behind that, though, are a number of interweaving, surprisingly emotional character arcs that really make the season.

Hughie (Jack Quaid), Starlight/Annie (Erin Moriarty), Frenchie (Tomer Capone), and Kimiko (Karen Fukuhara), especially, all take deep dives into their traumatic pasts in The Boys Season 4. Capone and Fukuhara excel in particular, the latter doing so again relying on mannerism and facial expression to convey a depth and range with which many actors struggle, even with spoken dialogue.
How does it compare to past Seasons?

Season 4, while still diabolical, does seem to lose a little steam compared to seasons past. While the darkly-toned subplots again showcase the series’ exceptional writing, they tend to overshadow the overall story arc at times. As a result, The Boys Season 4 does seem to also lose its focus. Still, fans will be by no means disappointed. Butcher & Co. still bring it, and bring it hard. And just when you think the show’s pushed its limits as far as it can, well… we all know what happens then.
The first three episodes of The Boys Season 4 drop June 13th on Amazon Prime Video. New episodes follow every Thursday.