It’s once again time to leap into the mysterious void. Season Two of Prime Video’s time-warped Western, Outer Range has arrived. Season One ended back on May 6, 2022, so it has been a long wait for fans of the series. For those unfamiliar with the show, Outer Range centers on Royal Abbott (Josh Brolin), a rancher fighting for his land and family, who discovers a phenomenon at the edge of Wyoming’s wilderness, in the form of a dark void. Starring alongside Brolin is an outstanding ensemble cast, featuring Imogen Poots, Lili Taylor, Tamara Podemski, Lewis Pullman, and Will Patton. Thanks to Prime Video, I was able to preview the new season, and simply put, it is intriguing, complex, and a great time. Keep reading for my full review and a look at the trailer.


Outer Range has always defied easy categorization, blending neo-Western, sci-fi thriller, time-travel mystery, and family drama into a unique and compelling narrative. This concoction of genres results in one of the best shows out today. When Season 1 concluded in May 2022, viewers were left with a myriad of questions. Fortunately, Season 2 is now here to address many of these lingering mysteries while introducing new ones.

Although two years have passed for the audience, Season 2 picks up right where the first season left off. If you’re like me, you might find a recap or even a rewatch of Season 1 helpful to recall the intricate twists and turns. Two years can feel like an eternity in today’s streaming age. The first season often favored a slow-burn approach, teasing the larger story with tantalizing hints rather than providing clear answers, which could be frustrating. In contrast, Season 2 dives straight in, providing a more dynamic structure to the plot, that starts to connect some of the dots.

The opening episode quickly addresses the immediate aftermath of Season 1’s climax. I appreciated this direct approach, which resolves several cliffhangers early on and allows the remaining episodes to explore viewers’ most pressing questions. Season 2 feels like a noticeable shift towards stronger overall storytelling. This could be in part due to the new showrunner, Charles Murray (Sons of Anarchy, Luke Cage). Nevertheless, it’s not all about answers in Season 2; the series continues to weave in plenty of new questions and mysteries, ensuring that viewers remain captivated and eager for more


Josh Brolin, as expected, is once again fantastic as Royal Abbott. The Oscar nominee delivers a stellar performance as the gruff ranch owner at the heart of this time-bending mystery. The stellar cast supporting Brolin also deserves high praise. Imogen Poots and Tamara Podemski both deliver outstanding performances that add depth to the series. Podemski, in particular, stands out in one of the most interesting episodes of the season, which focuses primarily on her character, Sheriff Joy. The entire episode showcases Podemski’s talent. Without stepping into spoiler territory, this episode weaves the characters’ storylines together in ways that are both surprising and satisfying.

Imogen Poots is equally impressive this season, bringing a multifaceted performance to the character of Autumn. She masterfully navigates the complexities of Autumn, who remains one of the series’ most unpredictable characters. Poots skillfully balances Autumn’s kookiness, anger, and prophetic insights, ensuring the character never ventures too far into outlandishness. It would be easy to overplay the madness of the situation and risk losing the audience’s connection with Autumn. However, Poots keeps Autumn grounded just enough to maintain a strong connection with viewers, allowing them to invest in her journey.


A significant aspect of this new season is its exploration of storylines involving different time periods. Throughout the season, three distinct time periods are examined, each with its unique threads. Managing multiple storylines within the limited framework of just seven episodes inevitably means that some arcs receive more attention than others, leaving a few feeling somewhat underexplored. Outer Range has always pushed the boundaries of conventional storytelling, unafraid to delve into layered plots that challenge the audience. The series, since its inception, has been willing to take risks. Deftly weaving together elements of mystery, drama, and science fiction into its story.

This season continues that trend, and remarkably, never crumbles under the weight of its own ambitious plans. Even when certain subplots don’t receive as much development as they perhaps deserve, the overall narrative remains engaging. For viewers who appreciate a series that challenges them, Outer Range continues to deliver.


Season 2 of Outer Range excels at taking the foundation laid in the first season and building upon it in meaningful ways. It’s satisfying to see some of the pressing questions from last season finally begin to be answered, as the series starts to connect the dots of its unfolding mystery. If you were on the fence after the first season, I strongly recommend you check out the new season. The storytelling is strong and the show has only gotten better.

The show continues to embrace risk and at times, ambiguity rather than playing it safe. Outer Range could easily play down to the audience by neatly laying out every detail. But I applaud the showrunner and writers for resisting that temptation. Instead, they remain true to the show’s core, taking viewers through a twisty, character-driven journey that always leaves you wanting more. While, the sheer number of events this season might seem overwhelming, for fans of the show, this is par for the course. Complex and intricate plotlines are cornerstones of Outer Range. The show continues to be an enthralling series, keeping you eagerly awaiting what happens next.



Sound off and tell us what you think. Will you be checking out the new season of Outer Range on Prime Video?

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