It’s that time! Our favorite horror summer series is back! This season of Pretty Little Liars, we have a full name change to go with the new theme. We have survived the “Origins” story, and now we head to “Summer School!” Pretty Little Liars: Summer School premiered with two incredible episodes perfectly setting the stage for what’s to come!
Let’s dive in!
Pretty Little Liars: Summer School, wraps the old and begins the new!
If you remember from last season, we learn that the mastermind behind Archie aka A’s murder spree was the high school principal! Shockingly, he turned out to be the father of Rose Waters’s babies, Archie and Angela. While Angela had a great life, Archie was held in a cage for his entire life. We learn that Kelly’s father, Sheriff Beasley, raped Angela Waters. Imogen’s mother was the ring leader mean girl who pushed Angela to unalive herself that fateful New Year’s Eve night. So, to get revenge, Principal Hackett used Archie to enact his revenge!
Other shocking revelations. It turns out that Chip, Tabitha’s BFF from the movie theater was not only the mystery father of Imogen’s baby, but also Tabitha’s rapist! Archie escapes the police and kills all the loose ends, but none of the girls are aware. Such a huge cliffhanger. So, season 2 begins Christmas morning right after the events of the season finale of season 1. We see Imogen and Tabitha giving each other gifts when they get a haunting phone call from Kelly. She lets them know that both her father and Chip are dead. “A” is believed to have killed them because he escaped police custody.
We also learn that “A” has also taken out the ballet teacher, Mouse’s father, and Noa’s mother drug dealer. Tabitha is sure “A” is killing off all the loose ends. So, who’s next, and how do they find him again? Why are we headed to Summer School?

We learn that Imogen is struggling with her memories of “A” the night he tried to kill her. Which makes her remember that New Year’s Eve is the anniversary of his sister’s death. So, she believes “A” will be at the cemetery to pay tribute to his sister. She’s right! We see “A” holding a teddy bear and taking it to his sister’s grave. The Police surround him and get him back into custody.
We jump ahead again to 6 months later. The girls are taking self-defense classes together, they’re also in group and solo therapy. If you watched the original Pretty Little Liars series, you will recognize the therapist, Dr. Anne Sullivan played by Annabeth Gish (The Haunting of Hill House).
We learn that Archie aka “A”‘s trial is over and now it’s up to the jury to deliberate. He will most likely end up at a psychiatric facility or get the death penalty. The girls are terrified of either option. He’s escaped before. So, they don’t want to turn out like Laurie Strode in the Halloween movie series.

At the group dinner, Tabitha (Chandler Kinney) shared that her film was rejected from PIFT, her main film festival. If you remember, Tabitha’s movie stars Imogen in the slightly autobiographical rape-revenge horror film. So the girls encourage her to post the film herself. A website that’s going to be very important this season is Spooky Spaghetti. Mouse is a huge fan and she promise to get it posted there.
We also learn that Noa’s (Maia Reficco) mom is still in rehab and is almost 6 months sober. She has been staying at her boyfriend’s house, which is mother isn’t a fan of. Noa’s been sneaking into his room at night and not following the house rules. So, when his mother understandably scolds her about it the next morning Noa takes it personally. So, during family game night she lies saying her mother is coming home.
Faran (Zaria) has been cleared to dance! However, she has been pretending is isn’t and still needs rehab. We also learn that her mother got into law school and would need to move back to Pittsburgh. Then, while at the grocery store, they run into Mrs. Beasley who is looking as ragged as ever. She shares she and Kelly have been attending a new church, Our Mother of Holy Grace, and that Kelly has been remote learning this last semester. Their paster’s name is Malachi. So, you just know that’s bad news. I smell a cult in our near future!
Of course, Faran goes to see Kelly (Mallory Bechtel) to see if she’s okay. We learn that Kelly is fully brainwashed, singing in the chorus and sharing that it was the church community that got her through the darkness. Trying to get Kelly away, and since Faran is still pretending to be injured, she offers Kelly her spot in the summer intensive. Kelly turns down the spot. In hopes of getting Kelly to open up, Faran shares her truth about how she’s been cleared for two weeks but wants to continue the break from dance because It’s been too traumatizing. Kelly replies saying they’ll be praying for her.
We then jump to one of the funniest scenes I think we’ll get all season. We see Kelly and Greg making out in her room with a giant cross on the wall. Kelly breaks away from kissing and gets on her knees…to pray away her temptations. Somehow, even in all of Greg’s frustration over the major changes in their sexual relationship, she convinces him to go to Church with her.

Mouse (Malia Pyles) is going to have a major role this season because she is obsessed with Spooky Spaghetti. While Mouse hooks up with her boyfriend, Ash, she sees the faces, names, phone numbers, and more of the girls on the website. These are private phone numbers that have never been released before. Mouse is certain that they are the 5 final loose ends – 5 final girls. She also sees photos of Bloody Rose Waters lurking in places they have been.
What is the legend behind Bloody Rose Waters? Legend has it Archie made the mask by sewing pieces of Rose’s skin together. Allegedly, Archie killed and skinned their mother to punish her for keeping him locked in a cage all those years. There’s also a fun urban legend where you can summon her from a mirror a la Bloody Mary.
So, of course (to be safe), Mouse wants to try summoning her just to be sure it’s not real…and they’re safe.
Tabitha is still working with the douchebag Wes at the theater. We learn that her movie is doing fantastic online. Things seem to be going great for her. That is until Chip’s mother shows up at the theater. She is incredibly upset with Tabitha about the film. She feels like she’s trying to destroy him in death. So, she begs Tabitha to take it down and then threatens to sue for defamation. Tabitha hears her and contemplates what to do. She then does what you’re never supposed to do…reads the comments on her film. She sees that a lot of them are in agreement with his mother. So, Tabitha sets the film to private. However, to add insult to injury, Chip’s mother puts a write-up in the local paper about how Chip is a forgotten victim.
This article understandably pisses Tabitha off. She’s having a difficult time processing it all. Chip is a monster. Chip raped her, as well as Imogen. It’s not her fault that his mother can see or accept that. When she shares this with Dr. Sullivan she gives Tabitha the advice to “put her feelings to paper”. While I’m sure she meant to write another film, Tabitha instead spray-paints rapist across Chip’s tombstone.

Imogen (Bailee Madison) is having a really tough time processing their trauma. She continuously is having nightmares about Archie aka “A” holding her baby. We also learn that Imogen’s baby was adopted by a gay couple and not Aria and Ezra. Thank you showrunners and writers for listening to the fans about that one. However, she keeps breaking the closed adoption agreement by constantly sneaking over and leaving presents. This doesn’t go over well with the adoptive parents.
So, Tabitha’s mother tries to talk to her about this. Imogen shares with her about her worst fears. She doesn’t believe that the couple understands the risks involved with Archie if he’s free/escapes. She also shares this with Dr. Sullivan who gets through to her by explaining that If she truly thinks Archie is after the baby she has to stop going around her. Imogen is a beacon calling him to her. This moment resonates with Imogen so chooses to say goodbye to her child and take the anxiety medication she’s been avoiding.
Back at Mouses, she is in a deep dive in Spooky Spaghetti. There she sees images of Bloody Rose Water’s cabin! So, she texts Faran and Noa to come with her to check it out. Of course, Ash follows them because he knows his girlfriend. He is upset with Mouse for lying. He is worried about her and her obsession with Bloody Rose Waters and the website. To make things better, the two say I love you for the first time and find a compromise we know won’t stick.
The verdict in Archie’s trial is finally in just in time for summer. He is to receive that maximum sentence and death penalty. He will be the first execution since 1999. So, the weight of relief for the girl is high. There’s no escape from a mental institution in the horror sequel, at least for now.

Noa tells the girls that she is staying alone at her mother’s apartment secretly until the end of summer. They’re so ready to have their hot girl summer. That is until they’re all called into the principal’s office. It turns out their grades suffered this year. All 5 of them failed. So, they all need to take summer school.
Then, to finish out the episode we see two random people in the Bloody Rose Cabin looking for her. Then, they decide to hook up in this trap house. While hooking up, we see Bloody Rose Waters roll up and kill them.
Phew, that was a lot for the first episode! What’s going to happen now? Are the girls going to survive Summer School? We’ll have to watch and see!