Tarot is the latest horror film to cross the big screen. I love that horror movie season is longer than February and two months in the fall this year, but I digress. From Sony Pictures, the film is very loosely based on Nicholas Adam’s novel, “Horoscopes“. Tarot is about a group of friends who book a giant mansion for a birthday getaway. However, they learn a hard lesson. Do not touch items that do not belong to you.
After breaking into the “Do Not Enter” room, the group finds tons of astrology and divination tools including a deck of Tarot Cards. One of the girls reads Tarot Cards, so they convince her to do readings for everyone in the group. Sounds innocent. However, she reads them from a deck of cursed cards. Now, they are each dying one by one at the hands of their readings.

I enjoyed the premise of Tarot. It’s a fun play on the friend group horror movie trope. The film is also incredibly aware of itself taking every moment possible to make a joke about Tarot or horrorscopes. Most of these quips come from Reginald the Vampire’s Jacob Batalon who plays the fun-loving comedic relief.
Each of the Major Arcana villains is designed really well. I appreciate the extra creepy edge and the use of practical effects vs CGI for the entire creature creation. In the trailer, we’ve seen The Fool, The Empress, and a hint at the Hanged Man as well as the Magician. Tarot is PG-13. So, you don’t have to worry about incredibly gruesome death scenes. That said, the implication of what’s happened (even though you don’t see it) is still pretty brutal and creative.
Horror films tend to have a knack for falling apart in the third act. However, the film keeps its solid storytelling all the way through. Overall, I thought this film was another good gateway horror film for friends to grab some popcorn and go see.
Make sure to check out Tarot now playing in theaters!