The release of Interview with the Vampire on AMC/AMC+ was slightly controversial. You had purists screaming blasphemy from their basements. Then there were others, like myself, who loved the “new” take on this incredible story. Something people tend to forget is that Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire book is the first in an anthology. The entire piece falls under the Vampire Chronicles. The initial story is told entirely by chronically depressed, self-hating Louis de Pointe du Lac. So, it only makes sense to use the entirety of her work to tell this incredible story in a television series medium. Does that mean liberties aren’t taken? Absolutely not. However, while watching you can feel how much creator/writer Rolin Jones loves the original text.

At the end of season one of Interview with the Vampire, Louis and Claudia have “murdered” Lestat and run off to Europe to search for other vampires. This storyline was left out of the original film, but it’s one of my favorites. Now that we have the time, the series is showing us the missing pieces. We get to see Louis and Claudia on a dangerous adventure seeking out others like them. Then, ending up in Paris, consorting with the Theatre de Vampire, and so much more.

Season 2 of Interview with the Vampire is all about Claudia and Armand

Season 2 of Interview with the Vampire is all about Claudia and Armand; two characters we learned very little about in the first book. When reading or watching the film, we know Claudia wants to leave with a random woman. Who is she? Why her? How did this happen? Taking the POV away from Louis allows the writers, characters, and viewers to explore the story in ways we haven’t been able to before. In the present day, we learn that Claudia’s story is told through her journal that Louis has, but has never read. This is a real device (found in Queen of the Dammed) but has never been explored until now.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Baily Bass, who originally portrayed Claudia in season 1, left the show. So, the character was recast with Delainey Hayles who does an excellent job. Hayles has the difficult job of picking up the mantle, making it her own, while staying to what Bass had started. Hayles does it with ease. Her performance as Claudia is full of life, strength, and heartbreaking struggle.

Jacob Anderson as Louis De Point Du Lac, Delainey Hayles as Claudia, and Assad Zaman as Armand - Interview with the Vampire
Jacob Anderson as Louis De Point Du Lac, Delainey Hayles as Claudia, and Assad Zaman as Armand – Interview with the Vampire _ Season 2, First Look – Photo Credit: Larry Horricks/AMC

During Interview with the Vampire season 2 we also dive more into Armand (Assad Zaman), his backstory we don’t learn until the 6th book of The Vampire Chronicles, “The Vampire Armand“. At the end of season one, the true identity of Armand was a HUGE reveal. Armand has been masquerading as a human named Rashid to play secret bodyguard to Louis. Throughout season 2, we learn more about his and Louis’s courtship, the coup of the theatre company, as well as what truly happened that fateful night of the first interview.

This series just gets better and better. Interview with the Vampire season 2 has beautiful storytelling continuing to flesh out the characters I already love. This way, when we get to the horrific ending we, as the audience, are even more heartbroken. No notes.

Interview with the Vampire returns on Sunday, May 12 on AMC and AMC+.