Enter the Garden is an upcoming anime anthology by the legendary director Goro Taniguchi (Planetes, Code Geass, One Piece Film: Red). Admittedly, the exact details of this anime are still unknown at this time. All we know at this time is that the first episode of this anime anthology will be The Waiting Man, and it will only premiere on Azuki. What is Azuki, you might ask? Well, why not watch Azuki’s new trailer for The Waiting Man below, and see for yourself just how mysterious this new anime can get?

Enter the Garden: The Waiting Man ~ Details

Beautiful animation quality, but what does it mean?

Azuki™ and Dentsu are proud to announce a new three-part anime anthology called Enter the Garden by Goro Taniguchi, with the very first episode of this anthology: The Waiting Man, getting that new trailer on YouTube. The trailer itself is just too vague and mysterious for us to draw any conclusions from. Honestly, the official synopsis from Azuki tells us more about this Ep. 1 than the trailer itself. Albeit, not much more, but it’s better than nothing. You can check it out below:

Haru, a free-spirited skater, has always felt like a misfit in a world where she’s constantly told how to behave. One day, Haru meets T.K., a mysterious man sitting next to a vending machine, waiting for someone to appear.

Enter the Garden: The Waiting Man poster.
Even the poster doesn’t really help us. At least the art is pretty though.

Fortunately, we do know one thing: the premiere date for this anime anthology. Enter the Garden: The Waiting Man will make its debut on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Alas, it will do so only on Azuki or Azuki’s YouTube channel. I have no idea if this means you have to pay for a subscription or not. We’ll just have to wait and see when this anime debuts on that date.