It’s that exciting time again! Love is potentially in the air and a group of strangers are preparing to walk down the aisle. The latest season of Netflix’s hit series, Love is Blind is bringing together singles from Charlotte in search of their perfect match. But before they can say “I do”, they’ll need to find love without ever laying eyes on each other.

After the disaster that was season 5, I haven’t lost hope that somehow the series will find the magic of season 1. However, with the 15 minutes of fame each person achieves, is it possible for me to be as invested? Well, season 6 might not have the genuine love magic, but man does it have the DRAMA!

Let’s discuss our small batch of love connections!


First up, there’s the Trevor, Chelsea, Jimmy, and Jessica love square (?). Trevor is your typical gym bro that’s trying to prove he’s not a himbo. Chelsea is the wildly insecure girl willing to do and say anything to feel loved. Jimmy is shallower than a puddle. Jessica is a single mom who puts her value more on her looks than her badassness.

When getting to know everyone in this group in the pods it was sadly obvious that once Jessica shared with Jimmy that she’s a single mom he checked out. While he swore to her it wasn’t a deal breaker, his body language told a completely different story. Watching him go through denial and leading her on was heartbreaking. While we’ve learned (post episodes) that Jessica apparently had another match in the pods, at some point she put her entire heart on the line for Jimmy.

As for Jimmy and Chelsea. She shared she has been previously married and divorced. Putting his foot in his mouth once again, Jimmy tells her that’s not the biggest bomb he’s heard all day. So, of course, this makes Chelsea wildly insecure and worried he’ll end things. So, she pulls out the looks card. Jimmy is easily swayed by Chelsea’s desperate attempt to win when she jokingly drops her celebrity doppelganger. The show is called, Love is Blind. Personally, I think if hopefuls say anything about looks during their conversations they should automatically be disqualified, but that’s me. Once he thought he was getting a Megan Fox look-a-like his shallow male genes took over and there was no hope for anyone else.

However, I don’t like Chelsea and Jimmy together. To me, Chelsea and Trevor make more sense; at least in their edit. The two of them constantly laughed. He has a great response to her sharing she was previously married. Trevor doesn’t have to always validate her feelings, and I love the adorable bracelet gift she got for them. They can tap it and know the other person is thinking of them. They seem like a better match. So, when Trevor tells Chelsea he’s in love with her it makes total sense.

However, the drama ensues once Jessica confronts Jimmy after writing him a letter sharing how deeply she cares about him. Jimmy’s silence was all that was needed. The two fight. After that, he goes on a date with Chelsea and tells her he’s in love with her…and proposes. So now, we have two men in love with Chelsea and Jessica out in the cold. Chelsea accepts Jimmy’s proposal and heads on a date to end things with Trevor. However, things don’t go as planned when Trevor also drops the love bomb wanting to propose.

After Chelsea crushes him by letting him know she accepted Jimmy’s proposal he asks a question on everyone’s mind. Would they have gotten engaged if he’d proposed first? She can’t answer. As a viewer, we all know the answer is yes. She let the producers and fate make her marriage decision.


This is the weirdest, but also most predictable love triangle/match-up yet. A.D. goes back and forth on the likable scale. I do believe she’s fully committed to the experiment, but there’s something that rubs me the wrong way. I’m hoping she grows on me in future episodes.

Matthew is a country bumpkin that seems to have never left his city. I don’t think he actually likes or respects women and gives a serial-killer vibe. He 10000% needs to go to therapy. However, his dates with A.D. seem to soften him up and turn him into a human. So much so, that all the women are shocked to learn she’s into him.

That said, she also has a connection with Clay. Clay is your typical smarmy man who makes excuses for his bad choices. However, he’s warned you he’ll probably make them. So, it’s actually your fault. According to A.D., he’s the typical fixer guy she goes for and she wants to break her type since that never works out. Clay is also someone who truly cares about looks constantly pressing A.D. for a hint at what she looks like. You’re on Love is Blind! Why are you asking about looks? I appreciate that A.D. is also annoyed by it.

As Matthew and A.D.’s connection gets stronger, he shares that he would want to ask for permission to propose, hoping to have a deep conversation with her. So, A.D. opened up about her father’s passing, and she is feeling the connection and incredibly vulnerable. Just as she is starting to feel safe, A.D. finds out that Matthew has been repeating the same sweet words to one of her close friends, Amber.

Anyway, A.D. feels she can vent about what’s going on with Clay who absolutely loses it. Since he can see and not speak with Matthew (apparently he doesn’t talk to anyone in the house) he doesn’t understand their connection. He storms out of their date making A.D. feel like trash. WHY ARE THESE MEN SUCH GARBAGE THIS SEASON?!

So, when A.D. confronts Matthew about his conversations with Amber he denies them on the basis of semantics. In the end, Matthew leaves the experience to go after Amber. The fact that Netflix omitted footage of Amber’s previous dates in the pods made this revelation just as shocking to AD as it was to us. By the end of all 6 episodes, Love is Blind still hasn’t shown the footage. What are they holding it for? If it’s the reunion I’m gonna be upset. They can’t have this HUGE bomb and not back it up with receipts!

Matthew leaving leaves Clay open to win back A.D.’s affection. So, Clay acknowledges that he made a mistake by mentioning looks and successfully convinces her of his sincerity by expressing his sensitivity and genuine desire to improve. He was even emotional enough to cry that morning. Which apparently meant something to her. These small gestures are sufficient to earn her praise as well as accept his proposal.

LET’S TALK ABOUT Jeramey, Laura, AND Sarah Ann

There are so many love triangles in Season 6 of Love is Blind. This next one is Jeramey, Laura, and Sarah Ann. Laura likes to play mother hen in the house. She originally warned Jessica about Jimmy telling Chelsea he loved her. However, she was living in a triangle drama of her own.

Sarah Ann was barely given any screen time outside of the pod moments with Jeramey. Their connection seemed very superficial but also filled with sexual tension. Which Jeramey LOVED to bring up. His connection with Laura seemed slightly deeper and he seemed to enjoy her brashness and wanting family Christmas mornings.

Since there was so much focus on the other triangles, this one seemed very lackluster and I am far from invested. So, when Jeramey proposes to Laura and she accepts I’m just here for the ride. Sarah Ann took their breakup pretty well. I guess we’ll see where this goes.


While Jonny and Amy are the first couple to get engaged on Season 6 of Love is Blind we also barely got to know them. I guess there was so much drama from other couples producers didn’t feel like it was that important. Johnny, who shares a close bond with his three siblings, shows his compassionate nature when Amy reveals her desire to take care of her brother, who is on the autism spectrum and has ADHD, should anything happen to their dad. Johnny is seemingly open to it. Then, in a spontaneous moment over sushi, Johnny inadvertently confesses his love for Amy, to which she reciprocates, sealing their romantic connection. That’s basically it.


Brtiney and Kenneth have so much in common and their connection is sweet. They’re both devout in their faith and bond over traumatic losses in their youth. They both agree they want to wait until marriage before sleeping together. While they didn’t get a lot of screen time either, it makes sense.

While it took about 3 1/2 episodes to get through the pods it feels like the producers are punishing viewers. Last season of Love is Blind people complained that the pods were rushed and we didn’t to know anyone. While valid, this season they gave us the most boring conversations forcing us to sit 10+ minutes with couples. Why they didn’t intercut or choose better moments feels like a lazy punishment trying to prove critics wrong. In the end, we still ended up in the same place.

So, what happens at the reveals?!


Britney and Kenneth come as no surprise. They share polite kisses, hugs, and kind words excited for their next steps. Johnny and Amy both appear pleased with the outcome of the reveal. However, I don’t really care cause I have zero connection with them. I would care more if I could hear more about their daily routines or see them playfully disagree/really disagree with each other. Jeramey and Laura are an odd couple. While they seem happy with each other I find it almost too good to be true. They just don’t make sense to me on any level.

A.D. and Clay’s reveal was uncomfortable to watch. When watching I couldn’t tell if Clay was into her at all or just sizing her up to see if she fit his ideal body image. The two barely said any real words to each other. If I have to hear them say, “yeah” back and forth over and over again I’m gonna lose it. Then, during Chelsea and Jimmy’s reveal, they exchange a few cringe-worthy kisses, and Jimmy shares in the confessional that he believes she lied about looking like Megan Fox.

At this point, I believe Britney and Kenneth, as well as Johnny and Amy, are in it for love. As far as the others, the jury is still out. Now, we’re headed to the Dominican Republic for their honeymoon.


These next episodes of the Love is Blind season 6 honeymoons are a mess! While the couples are getting to know each other physically others are making their own drama.

Clay and A.D. have a cringy conversation about her body and how he’d yell at her to get in the gym to keep it tight for him. Honestly, I couldn’t quite tell if he was making really bad jokes or if he truly felt that way. A.D. Is away of her own body and own choices and brushes the tacky comments/jokes away.

Then at the group gathering, A.D. talks to Kenneth about him being engaged to Brittany, a white woman. While the couple seems strong during that conversation and after, you can tell that A.D.’s words aren’t sitting right with him. Johnny and Amy are also there, but again basically zero camera time.

Chelsea is constantly begging Jimmy for reassurance since they land. It gets to the point where I wanna scream “he loves you” to the TV in hopes that it finally sinks in. Later, the two get into a fight because Jimmy thinks he can discuss how the other women look with her without her getting jealous. Wow, was he WRONG. After commenting on A.D. being “stacked” Chelsea pretends to joke, but she actually can’t handle it. Jimmy goes to A.D. to apologize cause he’s embarrassed and she takes it in stride. However, Chelsea’s insecurity continues to get the best of her and it turns into a huge fight. Jimmy – RUN!

At the same party, Jeramy and Laura also get into a huge fight which I’m still confused about. Laura jokingly tells Clay that he should “bean dip” A.D. What does that mean? Tittie slap. Jeramey tells A.D. what Laura told him to do and laughs about it. Somehow this turns into the most confusing fight. It escalates so badly that he gives Laura the silent treatment and sleeps on the couch. All of this was on top of Laura already showing her controlling side by giving Jeramy guff about his Hawaiian shirts. This couple is doomed. I can feel it.

Overall, these first 6 episodes of Love is Blind are A LOT. The first half drags like crazy, but the juicy bits are coming. Especially with that Next On tag. I can’t wait!