Black Panther fans will want to make sure to head over to their local comic shops tomorrow. Marvel Comics’ next chapter in the new Ultimate line ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #1 will hit the shelves for New Comic Book Day. But if you do miss out on this highly anticipated issue all is not lost. Marvel Comics has also announced a second printing of this issue that will be available in March. You can check out the official ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #1 details below.
This Wednesday, Wakanda goes to war! Since ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN’s hit debut, fans have been eager to see the next chapter in Marvel’s new Ultimate line—ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #1. Written by Bryan Hill with art by Stefano Caselli, enter a Wakanda that’s still shrouded from the outside world and meet a version of T’Challa who’s forced to make a dramatic decision to save his people from the forces of Moon Knight!
With anticipation so high, comic shops can already order an upcoming second printing of ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #1. Like ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #1, ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #1’s second printing will have a brand-new cover by superstar artist R.B. Silva and conveniently arrive the same day that #2 hits stands.
Taking place after the events of Ultimate Invasion, ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #1 begins with Khonshu and Ra – the force known together as Moon Knight – expanding their brutal control of the continent of Africa. In response, the lone bulwark against them, the isolated nation of Wakanda, will send forth its champion…its king…the Black Panther! Future issues will reveal the secret history of this universe’s Wakanda and introduce freedom fighters Killmonger and Storm.
“I think the difference between what’s going on now in the 616 and what’s going on in ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER is I’m using a broader philosophical canvas,” Hill told in a recent interview. “I think that Wakanda and the world of Black Panther is vast and extends into history up until now, headed towards the future. It’s a lot. I’ve been using Frank Herbert’s Dune as an analog to what I’m doing in the sense that you have a rich world with varying philosophical ideas and the sort of conflict and synergy between ancient spiritualism and modern practical politics.”

Following last month’s ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER will be the second launch in Marvel’s new Ultimate line. The saga began with the Maker, one of the last survivors of the old Ultimate Universe, travelling back in time on a parallel Earth to create a world without heroes. He succeeded and ruled this world in secret through various global factions. Now, he’s vanished, and a quiet war has broken out across the planet to shape what will happen to his kingdom.
Some want to control the world. Some want to free it. After discovering the dark truth, a young Tony Stark embarks on a bold mission to make things right. Meanwhile, Wakanda stirs, pressured from internal and external forces to take its rightful place on the global stage… Filled with modern takes on classic Marvel ideas and characters, the new Ultimate Universe is ripe for rich storytelling and a perfect evolution of the Ultimate brand. See it grow and develop in upcoming issues of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER, and March’s ULTIMATE X-MEN along with more Ultimate titles launching in the months ahead.
Pick up ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #1 on Wednesday OR preorder the Second Printing at your local comic shop today! For more information, visit
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Source: Marvel Comics