MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION is here and all I can say is wow. I was lucky enough to be granted an early viewing of this five-episode series and it did not disappoint. Starring Diedrich Bader, Melissa Benoist, Liam Cunningham, Keith David, Mark Hamill, Lena Headey, Griffin Newman, William Shatner, Tiffany Smith, Tony Todd, and Chris Wood; MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION will release on Netflix on January 25. You can check out my non-spoiler review below.
It’s technology versus magic when He-Man and the heroic warriors face the forces of Skeletor and something more in MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION – the new epic chapter in the battle for Castle Grayskull! The newly mechanized Skeletor, armed with the might of Motherboard, attacks the heart of Eternia while Prince Adam grapples with a new responsibility and what that means for him as He-Man! Adam is forced to choose between the scepter or the sword, and a life as either the King or the Champion! Meanwhile, the new Sorceress Teela searches for the secret of Snake Magic in the mists of Darksmoke to rebuild a magic realm and help He-Man hold off the greatest threat Eternia has ever faced: the return of the despot Hordak, the ruthless leader of the Horde Empire!

One of the hardest things when reviewing these series is finding a way to express yourself without giving anything big away. For those of you that read my reviews you know I hate spoilers and try very hard to keep you surprised when you watch. So once again I’m going to try to keep it simple and short and give you my thoughts on the new season of MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION.

First off I will start with this, MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION is not the old cartoon you remember. If you have seen the previous seasons you know what I am talking about. Now don’t get me wrong, we still get a lot of the old characters we remember from the past, but we are looking at a new story by Kevin Smith and it is not meant to repeat the past and I’m glad.
The Story
Picking up after the events of REVELATION we return to Eternia. But all is not well, as Prince Adam (Chris Wood) is stuck with one of the hardest choices of his life; to be the King or the Champion. But that isn’t the only unrest that is going on in Eternia as the newly mechanized Skeletor (Mark Hamill) launches a surprise attack. Here we see some of Skeletor’s upgrades that he has received from Motherboard. This is when we really start to see the battle between magic and technology. But this isn’t the only battle going on in this story. Teela (Melissa Benoist) is on a mission of her own. While she thought she would be alone for this mission, she found herself teaming up with a familiar foe.

Of course, He-Man was not alone as the rest of the team was there ready to go. But I will warn you we do spend less time with them in this latest story. Also, we can’t forget Hordak (Keith David), the ruthless leader of the Horde Empire. You will not believe the curveball he throws. I’ll stop there because I want to enjoy MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION without spoilers. Oh yeah, I will put one last thing out there. Fans that have seen the live-action movie there is a fun easter egg in this series for you.
The Animation
The animation for this series was amazing and may even be some of the best ever for any of the MOTU series. Everything in this series was visually appealing. From the action and power-up scenes to the serious and joyful ones, the art and colors brought you right into the story. Some of the scenes even had an anime feel to them. I also loved how they were able to give the old characters a new look without taking away from their style.

I loved MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION. Even though the story is new there are enough throwbacks to remind MOTU fans of the old days. The cast was amazing. Diedrich Bader, Melissa Benoist, Liam Cunningham, Keith David, Mark Hamill, Lena Headey, Griffin Newman, William Shatner, Tiffany Smith, Tony Todd, and Chris Wood all worked well together. But I am going to say this… Mark Hamill is my Skeletor. Yes, I grew up with the original MOTU and Hamill’s Skeletor is the best. The voice just gives you chills. The story was good and if you like action and fight scenes you will not be disappointed.
Now not everything is great about this series. The biggest thing that got me was how short the episodes were. They averaged about 30 minutes and with the season only being five episodes the story went fast. You really didn’t have time to soak in some of the OMG moments. But this did make it a lot easier to watch it all in one setting which I feel is the best way to do it. MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION is a must-watch for any MOTU fan.

MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION will premiere on Netflix on January 25.
Are you excited about the MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION release? What are your thoughts on the first two seasons of the saga? Also, what other movies and series are you looking forward to? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
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