Apparently, Zack Snyder has great hopes for his upcoming Rebel Moon film. Or if you want to be more precise: Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire. How else do you explain Snyder wanting to give his new epic Star Wars-esque sci-fi film a theatrical premiere ahead of its Netflix streaming date? And in 70mm film to boot, perfect for IMAX.

Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire: Theatrical Debut Details

Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire key visual.
You can clearly tell that this has more than a little Star Wars in it.

Variety has just released a very interesting report regarding Zack Snyder’s upcoming Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire. According to them, this epic space opera film will get a week-long limited theatrical run in the week just before its Netflix debut. From December 15, 2023 to December 21, 2023; this film will get theatrical runs in a grand total of 4 cities across the world. The list of cities will consist of:

  • Los Angeles (Egyptian Theatre)
  • New York City (Paris Theater)
  • Toronto (TIFF Bell Lightbox)
  • London (Prince Charles Cinema)

As a bit of interesting trivia: it’s worth noting that Netflix owns both the Egyptian Theatre and the Paris Theatre. Thus, it makes perfect sense why Netflix would want Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire to make its theatrical debut there. After all, it’s more money coming back to them. Alas, tickets are not on sale yet as of this writing. Tune back in to THS to find out when and where you can get those tickets when we do.

Honestly, this looks like it would be amazing in IMAX.

As for those of you who can’t be bothered with the theater? Well, don’t worry about that. Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire will still make its streaming debut on December 22, 2023. Of course, this will be a Netflix exclusive. Thus, you will have to shell out cash for a paid subscription to see Zack Snyder’s take on a Star Wars and Dune crossover story.

Source: Variety