Netflix must have really high hopes for their upcoming Blue Eye Samurai adult animated series. After all, they usually lock all their content behind their paywall. So it’s a shocker whenever you see them posting full episodes of any of their series for free just to promote said series. Don’t believe me? Then why not check out that first episode below, and give this incredible ramen Western series a gander?

Blue Eye Samurai Ep. 1 for Free: Details

Anything for free is great, especially when it’s an hour-long pilot episode for an amazing series.

Netflix is proud to post Blue Eye Samurai Ep. 1 “Hammerscale” on YouTube. Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. Netflix has released the full episode for free for everyone to watch. All just to promote this upcoming adult animated series to boot. I’m not going to spoil the plot for you all. That’s something you’ll have to decide on doing for yourself if you decide to watch this pilot episode. Suffice it to say, though: it’s a fantastic piece of chanbara and ramen Western all in one.

Fortunately, you won’t have long before you can watch the rest of this series. Blue Eye Samurai will make its debut on November 3, 2023. As of this writing, that’s literally tomorrow. You can watch this series only on Netflix.

Bonus: Final Official Trailer and “Making Of” Video

“Blood, blood, and more blood” is practically the name of this series.

That’s not all, folks! Netflix also has a pair of new videos to further amp up the hype for Blue Eye Samurai. The first video is the third and final official trailer above on YouTube. It’s quite the appropriate introduction to the series, really. It shows off just how much blood Mizu will spill throughout the 8 episodes of the series.

You got to admit: the animation for this series is artsy as heck.

The second video Netflix has for us is a “Behind the Animation” featurette video for Blue Eye Samurai, also on YouTube. As the name suggests, this is basically a “Making Of” video describing the process behind all that beautiful animation you see in the series. Jane Wu even apparently wore kimonos and walked around in them Japanese-style just to give animators an idea of how to animate the characters as they walk around in said kimonos. That’s how dedicated they are. Hopefully, you all too will see their dedication bear fruit when the series makes its Netflix debut on November 3, 2023.

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