As fans of the franchise can attest to: Pokemon is an extremely popular franchise. It’s not hard to see why. The combination of cute critters with powerful and basically magical attacks has managed to capture the attention (and adoration) of the entire world. So with that in mind, it’s only natural that McDonald’s would want to take full advantage of a collaboration with the franchise here. Alas though, this collaboration will take place only in a very specific part of the world. Which one, you might ask? Well, let’s read on and find out, shall we?

Pokemon x McDonald’s: Gotta Catch ‘Em All Details

Pokemon x McDonald's collaboration art.
Even Pikachu is all dressed up for the occasion.

Japanese news website Sora News 24 has just revealed an interesting collaboration between The Pokemon Company and McDonald’s for Summer 2023. According to them, this collaboration consists of a new line of Happy Meal toys featuring none other than Pikachu. There are some Pokeball toys, but that yellow electric mouse prominently features on most of the toys. And for good reason too. I mean, look at the little guy. Who wouldn’t want to have toys with his mug on them?

Fortunately, this collaboration between Pokemon and McDonald’s will begin on August 11, 2023, and last until August 17, 2023. At least, for the first phase. Apparently, this collaboration will run for 3 phases. The second phase will run from August 18-24, 2023. The third and final phase will begin on August 25, 2023, and run indefinitely. Sora News 23 speculates this third phase will be limited only to the remaining stock from Phases 1 and 2, and that’s it. However, we haven’t had any official word from either The Pokemon Company or McDonald’s on that yet, so take it with a grain of salt until then.

Alas though, now comes the bad news. This Pokemon x McDonald’s collaboration is for Japanese McDonald’s only. There’s zero word of this collaboration making it outside of Pokemon’s home nation. Tune back into THS later to find out if this collaboration will get a NA release at a later date. In the meantime though, just in case the collaboration never makes it outside Japan, you can check out the toys from Phases 1 and 2 below:

Phase 1

Pokemon x McDonald's collaboration mini taiko drum toy.
This mini taiko drum even makes different sounds depending on where you strike it.
Pokemon x McDonald's collaboration glow in the dark pokeball keychain.
A glow in the dark keychain, with stickers in it too.
Pokemon x McDonald's collaboration fishing toy and ring toss toy.
Man, why does only the Japan McDonald’s get all the good stuff?

Phase 2

Pokemon x McDonald's collaboration Pikachu squirt gun.
Why can’t we have tiny Pikachu squirt guns too?
Pokemon x McDonald's collaboration Pikachu uchiwa fan.
THe best way to beat the summer heat in Japan.
Pokemon x McDonald's collaboration pinball machine toy.
This has to be the most complex of the toys.
Pokemon x McDonald's collaboration disc-fishing toy.
I’m not entirely certain how this disc-fishing toy works, but I want it.