You know how Bob Iger returned to being Disney‘s CEO in November 2022 following the other Bob’s rather sudden dismissal? Well, it looks like Disney‘s board of directors rather loves Bob Iger’s performance following his return. So much so that they want to keep him as CEO. All the way to 2026, to boot.

Bob Iger: Disney CEO Until 2026 or Bust

Variety has just announced that Bob Iger will not step down as CEO at the end of 2024, as originally planned. Instead, Iger has extended his contract all the way to the end of 2026. What happens after that is anyone’s guess, but that’s beyond the scope of this article. In fact though, the Chairman of the Walt Disney Company, Mark G. Parker, has an official statement for us today on this subject. You can read it in its entirety below:

Time and again, Bob has shown an unparalleled ability to successfully transform Disney to drive future growth and financial returns, earning him a reputation as one of the world’s best CEOs. Bob has once again set Disney on the right strategic path for ongoing value creation, and to ensure the successful completion of this transformation while also allowing ample time to position a new CEO for long-term success, the Board determined it is in the best interest of shareholders to extend his tenure, and he has agreed to our request to remain Chief Executive Officer through the end of 2026.

Alas, that’s all we have on Bob Iger today for now. Presumably, the Walt Disney Copany will have more informatin for us about this subject matter at a later date. Tune back in to THS later to find out more Bob Iger, other Bob, and other Disney news as soon as we get that news.

Source: Variety