Early today Tony Khan held the Double Or Nothing Media call where he answered calls from the media in regard to various topics.
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Tony is keeping a lot of the details regarding the new show closely to himself as one of the questions was if the inclusion of the new show will bring a roster split. He states after Double Or Nothing he will slowly reveal more details in regards to the roster and roster split for the show, He does state there is a lot of excitement in regard to running a Saturday night and with it more time to flesh out/create new storylines and stars. Another question brought up was the competition of the NFL and College Football games on Saturdays he states with the NFL not running games every Saturday he can capitalize on Saturdays all the way through until December when the NFL starts its games on Saturdays. It was interesting to see no questions or anything CM Punk related was asked.
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The long-rumored involvement of Mercedes Mone was asked in regard to appearing at the show next month, however, Tony stated that involvement was only between herself and him. Now with the injury to Mercedes, she will not be appearing. Another interesting development is the potential involvement of STARDOM as one member of the media did ask if it was possible, and Tony did state that he is interested in the working partnership he has with NJPW, and this year it could be a possibility.

Tony states AEW All In is tracking to be the biggest event in UK wrestling history. Says he’s still working on where and how All In will be aired and doesn’t have an answer for that at this juncture.
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