Spy x Family Ch. 80 gives us what’s quite possibly the most insane chapter in the entire manga’s history. Not to mention the most contrived. What else do you call it when Loid and Yor engage in the silliest marital argument in history, and then all of a sudden, a wild Yuri Briar appears and joins in the verbal free-for-all?
Spy x Family Ch. 80: Details

Spy x Family Ch. 80 is the latest chapter of the action spy comedy manga of the same name by Tatsuya Endo. In fact, this chapter continues the storyline from Ch. 79, making it a very short 2-chapter mini-arc. Casey Loe returns as the translator, with Rina Mapa also returning as the letterer. Shueisha originally published this manga in Japan under their Jump Comics+ imprint in their magazine Shōnen Jump+. Viz Media is the company publishing this manga in the NA region.
Spy x Family Ch. 80 made its debut on May 14, 2023. You can read this chapter for free on Shonen Jump at Viz Media. Note that this chapter will remain free for 2 chapter releases after this one. Upon the release of the 3rd chapter, Ch. 80 will go into the Shonen Jump vault. Once there, you’ll need a paid Shonen Jump subscription in order to read it and all previous chapters.
On a side note: an anime adaptation of Spy x Family premiered on April 9, 2022, and is currently ongoing as of this writing. In fact, season 2 of the anime will premiere sometime in October 2023. You can watch all currently available episodes of the anime on Crunchyroll or Hulu.
Warning: spoilers for Spy x Family Ch. 80 below. If you want to watch the chaos for yourself, then stop here and come back once you’ve escaped the hilarious insanity that is a still-drunk Yor Forger.
Spy x Family Ch. 80: Plot Summary

Spy x Family Ch. 80, as I mentioned before, picks up directly where we last left off in the previous chapter. In fact, it picks up right in the morning after. Yor wakes up in a bit of a daze due to all the drinking she did last night. Fortunately(?) she vaguely remembers the embarrassing things she did last night, including suplexing herself into the floor. Thus, Yor attempts to somehow…go about her day without Loid seeing her? Well, if that was her plan, it doesn’t work. Especially after Loid sees Anya off as she head to the zoo with Becky, and thus there’s literally no one else for Loid to talk to.
Even more unfortunately, it seems Yor is still worried about what her coworkers said last night about married couples needing gripes with each other in order to appear normal. She interprets everything Loid says to her as a gripe about her not having any gripes. Thus, she tries to buy herself “time” by insisting to an increasingly distressed and confused Loid that she’s dissatisfied with “everything” about their marriage. As if things weren’t chaotic enough already, that’s when Yuri Briar choose to make an unannounced surprise visit, opening the door right as Yor was insisting to Loid: “I’m not satisfied with our life together”. As Loid puts it: “He literally could not have come at a worst time”.
A Verbal Super Smash Bros. Fight?!

The resulting argument between Yor and Loid increasingly becomes nonsensical as Loid fails to understand why Yor wants to have a gripe with him in the first place. Yuri contributions are even less helpful, to the point where Loid thinks about telling him to shut up before actually saying it, and Yor actively has to tell her little brother not to interfere in their marital affairs, resulting in a devastated Yuri crashing into the sofa in shock.
Fortunately, a phone call from Loid’s hospital for a patient emergency with a “Chart Number 1399” saves Loid…or so he thinks. Yor uses it as an opportunity to have a gripe with him about him “abandoning his family”. Loid insists that he must leave though because it’s a very serious emergency number. This results in Yuri insisting that he and Yor tail him, which neither of them is particularly good at. Or rather, they’re not good enough to fool Loid: aka. WISE Agent Twilight. Not only that, but Yuri’s superior at the SSS calls him away during the tail for an emergency summons. With Yuri to egg her on, Yor comes to her senses, sobers up, and goes home,
The story is far from over though. Apparently, the Chart #1399 emergency Loid got turns out to be an emergency summons from WISE HQ. They’d been trying to ferret out an Ostanian mole there, but they escaped before WISE could apprehend them. Even more unfortunately, the mole escaped with secret documents, including information about Operation Strix. Yuri’s emergency summons turns out to be related to the same, only the SSS wants to seize that info from the mole before WISE can stop them. It looks like the next chapter of Spy x Family is going to be a showdown between WISE and the SSS. Who will win? We’ll just have to see in the next chapter.
Spy x Family Ch. 80: The Good

The comedy of Spy x Family Ch. 80 is one of its greatest points. It’s just pure hilarious insanity throughout the manga chapter. A bit contrived with Yuri just happening to show up at the Forger’s at that exact moment, but it’s a pretty good use of such a contrivance for comedy. Not to mention, Yuri’s presence makes perfect sense as a setup for the chapter’s ending.
And really, despite how great the comedy is, I think we can all safely agree that sudden spy drama at the end of Spy x Family Ch. 80 stole the spotlight. The upcoming showdown between Westalis’s WISE and Ostania’s SSS promises to be as great as any James Bond film. Likely even better, in fact, given how good Tatsuya Endo is in terms of storytelling. Now all we need is for Yor to join in on the fray as the Thorn Princess. How? Who knows, but it’d perfectly fit for her to be part of this showdown, given her organization’s mysterious ties to the events here.
Spy x Family Ch. 80: The Bad

Even compared to the other chapters, I find that there’s nothing I can criticize about Spy x Family Ch. 80. It’s got something for both fans of the slice of life comedy portions of the story, and for fans of the action and drama. If you don’t like either, then well, I’m not sure why you’re reading this manga in the first place.