Eddie Murphy has been a staple of comedy for quite some time now. From live-action films like Coming to America and The Nutty Professor to animated films like Mulan (1998) and Shrek, Murphy has shown that he’s the heart of comedy no matter which genre he’s in. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense why MGM would want Murphy to star in their new film. What film, you might ask? Well, did you know that MGM apparently want to do a remake of Pink Panther?

Eddie Murphy: The Star of the New Pink Panther?

The Hollywood Reporter has just come out with some interesting news about Eddie Murphy. According to them: Murphy is in negotiations with MGM to star in their upcoming Pink Panther reboot film. Who will Murphy play, you might ask? First off, he’s not voicing the titular technicolor cartoon feline, if that was what you were assuming. Instead, Murphy will apparently star as Inspector Clouseau himself.

As for what this Pink Panther film is about? Well, The Hollywood Reporter has very brief tidbit for us to peruse today. You can check that out below:

According to sources, the new feature project would be a live-action/CG hybrid and would combine both traditions. The story is said to see the Pink Panther’s live-action crew break him out of his animated prison to do a heist job. Insiders also classified the project as still in the deep development stages.

Unfortunately, Eddie Murphy is still only in talks for the role of Inspector Clouseau, you see. He hasn’t actually accepted the role yet as of this writing. So we’re kind of in limbo here until Murphy accepts the role or not for this hybrid CGI and live-action film. Tune back in later to THS for more Pink Panther or Eddie Murphy news if and when we get it.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter