We have had New Rangers, Mutant Rangers, dimension-hopping, mind control, and Mega-Sized Krang. HOW do you finish MMPR X TMNT?

With the New X Rangers in action, they get the needed power node and teleport back to the Commander Center in Angel Grove. Only to be met by RIta and a torn, tattered, and brained-washed Casey Jones. A battle Royale begins, and quips are fired from both sides Rita gets the upper hand with her Evil X-Ranger all that remains is Raph. He and Casey square off while Rita hold him in a spell and just before the final strike, Raph breaks thru to the real Casey and he snaps out of it. Giving Rita the knockout blow!

Meanwhile in Angel Grove

The Mutant Rangers are in tune with their new abilities and are finally getting the upper hand but Mega-Krang is a whole other story. Outsized they cant battle a full-on hacked Megazord. so the only solution is the Dragonzord. Tommy can’t call on his zord with his massive mutant murder mittens, so Shredder Shadow Morphs into the green ranger yet again. Megazord Metal head returns with Alpha and “Zordon” piloting Alpha suggests that the Dragon Zord and “Turtlezord” combine in the Dragon Turtlezord! Only taking 3 panels to defeat Mega-Krang.

Three-Part Epilogue

First, we see Shredder, Zordon, and Master Splinter imprison Rita and Krang in their own dumpsters. Splinter implies that maybe they can get along. Shrdeer laughs and leaves. The teens meet up at the juice bar, and we see all the turtles in their civilian hologram forms. Let’s just say Ryann Parrott started sprinkling some bread crumbs.

Down in the sewers of NYC, Splitner sends Casey on a mission to take the X-Morphers back to dimension X as a way to atone for his shirt comings and misdeeds. He’s not going home we see a Yellow X-Ranger, and April will be going along with him to help the Neutrinos.

Lastly, Shredder is somehow sitting and wonders what his next moves will be with Lord Zedd as his partner.

Thoughts from Dimension X

Overall this issue was FAST! and that’s perfectly fine. It tied everything up just right and left it open for a third installment to this epic crossover event: MMPR X TMNT.

On the whole most sequels I think they have a particular job: add to the world, not take it over, and keep things open to finish in a trilogy style. Luckily with this iteration of the Rangers, we still have a huge amount to play with like white tiger power, thunder zords pretty much all of season 2 and possibly 3. The same thing goes for the turtles this version is a great balance and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. All in all a perfect integration. A HUGE POWERBUGA to Ryan Parrott for killing it with this miniseries!

Covers Of The Mutant Rangers From MMPR X TMNT

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