Usually when we talk about major film franchises in disarray, the subject is Star Wars. That franchise has been in shambles ever since 2017, beginning with The Last Jedi. Notwithstanding, one other franchise has looked at Star Wars and seemingly, unintentionally declared “hold my beer” and upstaged Lucasfilm in terms of disorder. This time we’re of course referring to the DC Expanded Universe. It’s generally lackluster films and lack of direction have existed from the start, but… the current flashpoint (pun intended) is neither James Gunn, nor Ezra Miller. It’s none other than Dwayne Johnson (Black Adam), and even Zachary Levi (Shazam) seems to have acknowledged it.

Johnson, as we know, brought DC’s Black Adam to life in the recent film of the same name. Despite the canonical connection between Shazam and Black Adam, he’s been nothing if not vocal about his desire to see his character face off against Henry Cavil’s Superman instead. That’s not going to happen, now that Cavil is confirmed to be out as the Man of Steel. Dwayne Johnson is not happy, and even (allegedly) nixed a Shazam appearance in Black Adam in an effort to force the subject. Zachary Levi, in response to the report, simply replied “the truth shall set you free.”
Dwayne Johnson Nixes Shazam… Out of Spite?
According to The Wrap, Levi’s Shazam was to make a post-credit appearance in Black Adam. Hawkman was going to recruit him for the Justice Society, but Johnson gave that notion a full stop. Instead, it was Cavill’s Superman that appeared. Sadly for Dwayne Johnson, that will likely be the only time the two will appear on film together. Why the Black Adam actor is so vehemently opposed to a showdown with Shazam, however, remains a bit of a mystery.

The first Shazam movie was more than successful, prompting the recent Fury of the Gods sequel. While not as lucrative in terms of box office returns, the second Shazam film is nonetheless entertaining. Black Adam, however, wasn’t as well received as either Shazam film. Perhaps Levi’s response was his tongue-in-cheek way at jabbing Dwayne Johnson for his refusal to participate in the fun of the franchise.
What do you think? Is Dwayne Johnson just being sour? Or is there something else going on behind the scenes that we can’t see? Broken Studio promises, perhaps? Whatever the case may be, and even if they don’t ever face off on film, Shazam is already winning the battle with Black Adam… and Zachary Levi knows it.