The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is a pretty old game by anyone’s standards. Nihon Falcom released it for the PSP all the way back in July 26, 2012; which needless to say, is a very long time ago. Fortunately, they released a remaster of the video game for the PS4 back in June 24, 2021. Unfortunately, the release of this remaster was in Japan only. Fortunately though, NIS America are keen to do something about that. In fact, NIS America have released a trailer of their efforts in that regard. You can check it out below:

11 Long Years on the Trails Before Finally Arriving Here

They’ve had a long journey, but now they’re almost here.

NIS America is proud to announce that they’re finally bringing The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails to NA shores via that trailer above on YouTube. The trailer gives us a taste of the game’s updated graphics and the story, even if there’s very little in the way of dialogue present. Crunchyroll actually has a short synopsis for us to help us out with that. You can check out that synopsis below:

This game is a spin-off of the Trails series and is an action-RPG rather than having turn-based combat. It follows a young man named Nayuta who wishes to explore outside of his island home. He meets a fairy named Noi, and gets transported on an adventure spanning multiple worlds along with his friend Cygna.

The end of the trailer also lets us know when we’re finally going to play this game after 11 long years. Apparently, The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails will make its NA debut sometime in Fall 2023. Unfortunately, the release date (or rather, release window) doesn’t get any more specific than that. The only specific thing we do know is that the game will be for PC via Steam, PS4, and Nintendo Switch; and that you can preorder a Limited Edition of the game at NIS America’s online store for $89.99. Tune back in to THS later to find out that more specific release date when we do.