He’s one of the most interesting men in sports history. It was never a dull day or a bad quote from Yogi Berra. The new documentary It Ain’t Over is all about the New York Yankees legend. Check out the trailer below.

It Ain’t Over features interviews with New York and sports icons like Billy Crystal, Bob Costas, Vin Scully, Derek Jeter, Joe Torre, Mariano Rivera, Joe Girardi, Ron Guidry, Willie Randolph, Don Mattingly, Tony Kubek, Bobby Richardson, Suzyn Waldman, and Lindsay Berra.

Here’s the synopsis of the documentary.

IT AIN’T OVER is an intimate portrait of Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra, one of baseball’s greatest superstars. As the brilliant catcher for the most storied franchise in Major League Baseball history, he amassed 10 World Series rings, three American League MVP awards, and a staggering 18 All-Star Game appearances. A native of St. Louis who saw combat in World War II, he resumed his baseball career during the golden era in New York when three teams battled for supremacy, going on to catch the only perfect game in World Series history in 1956. Yet for many observers of the national pastime, his prolific accomplishments on the ballfield were overshadowed by his extraordinarily appealing personality. Long before athletes endorsing products became commonplace, Yogi was starring in TV commercials and connecting with fans from every demographic. His unforgettable “Yogi-isms”, initially perceived as head-scratching philosophical nuggets, became fashionable catch phrases that made him a national treasure and endearing figure on the American pop culture landscape.

It Ain’t Over was directed by Sean Mullen.

It releases in New York and Los Angeles on May 12th, 2023.

For more information, visit their official website https://www.sonyclassics.com/film/itaintover/.

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