It’s not Valentine’s Day without a special from Joe Bob and The Last-Drive In. This February 10th, on Shudder, join Joe Bob, Darcy, and everyone else on The Last Drive-In for the Vicious Vegas Valentine special! Starting at 9:00 PM ET, LIVE, the new special makes history. Live on the air, a couple will get married by the man himself, Joe Bob. This all happens while he’s hosting a double feature about the ultimate nightmare: True Love!
Here’s what Joe Bob had to say about the upcoming special…
“During this year’s demented double feature, I’ll be joining in unholy matrimony two young lovers thoroughly schooled in the twisted tenets of The Last Drive-In. And I’ll probably need an Elvis jumpsuit to do it.”
Check out the promo video for the special below!
Take a guess at what we’ll see on the new special!
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