You know how Unknown Worlds Entertainment promised to bring buildings from Subnautica: Below Zero to the first game? Well, now it seems that they’re finally delivering on that promise with this new 2.0 update. And so soon after their What the Dock update to boot.

Subnautica: 2.0 Update Details

"2.0 Update" screenshot for "Subnautica" showing a Large Room with a glass roof in the Safe Shallows.
Finally, we can build our perfect undersea base!

Unknown World Entertainment is proud to announce their 2.0 update for Subnautica. As you can see in the image above, this huge 1.9 GB update finally introduces base buildings from the sequel game, Subnautica: Below Zero, to the first game. Specifically: this update adds the Large Room (as well the internal partitions and doors), Glass Dome roofs, and surface hatches to the game. Now you can make an even more perfect undersea base for your 4546B adventures. Complete with the even larger Alien Containment tanks specific to the Large Rooms. If you’ve ever wanted to make your own custom aquarium in your base, the Large Rooms just made it easier. Not to mention having surface hatches now makes building bases on the few bits of land in the first game a lot easier.

It’s not just the addition of Subnautica: Below Zero base buildings that’s the only thing about this 2.0 update though. According to Unknown Worlds, the 2.0 update also introduces a veritable host of bug fixes. They mention stomping out over 800 bugs in this update. The bugs mentioned include base buildings bugs (including “server clipping” and “deconstructing buildings whilst inside them”), vehicle navigation and piloting, and making it less likely for you to get stuck in alien bases while piloting the Prawn suit. That last one is a bit annoying, as it makes it tricky to navigate those alien base interiors unless you make liberal use of your jump jets. I also hope that they fixed the base building bug where you can’t deconstruct buildings after building them. It puts a real crimp on your base building, but that’s a topic for another day.

Finally, you can actually opt to not apply the 2.0 update to your Subnautica save files. Just go to the Properties menu, and select the Betas option. From there, you can then select the legacy build option. This will revert your game to the pre-2.0 patch version. Unknown Worlds advises doing this before open your save files to apply it.

Curious about what this 2.0 update does for Subnautica? Or maybe you haven’t even played it yet? Then you can purchase the game for PC on Steam or Epic Games Store, PlayStation Store, Xbox Store, or Nintendo eShop.

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