Disney+ has announced that a pilot for a Witch Mountain series has been greenlit by the streaming service. The new series will be a reimagining of the successful film franchise.

Bryce Dallas Howard (Jurassic World: Dominion) is set to star in the leading role of Audrey. Audrey is a devoted and loving mother whose husband passed from a mental illness. Audrey tries to constantly reassure her daughter, Tia, that she will not follow in her father’s darkness.

Audrey’s daughter, Tia, will be portrayed by Isabel Gravitt (The Watcher). According to the press release, Tia is “a straight-A student who’s regarded by her classmates as “perfect”. Although she regards herself as flawed. She’s terrified of failure. She is also plagued by nightmares and fears that her late father’s schizophrenia is starting to exhibit itself in her. Tia has “hallucinations” in which people around her step outside their living bodies and voice their deepest, darkest fears and desires and rages”.

Rounding out the rest of the is Levi Miller (Streamline) as Ben. Then, Bianca “b” Norwood (We Crashed) as Corey, as well as Jackson Kelly  (Straight Man) as Peter.


“Ben,” is a troubled teen who makes ends meet by writing papers for other students. However, he’s got a hot temper and if he slugs another student, he’ll be expelled. Ben is best friends with Corey, his co-worker at the diner. He’s recently made a troubling discovery about himself. He can force others in his vicinity to move according to his will. There’s also something drawing him inexplicably in the direction of Tia. 

“Corey,” is Ben’s closest friend, an outsider with tattoos, Corey is a very mature teen who comes across as older than they are. They are one step away from expulsion and put more care into looking like a My Chemical Romance song that became an anime fan.  Corey works at the local diner alongside Ben and is in his circle of trust, but doesn’t appreciate it when he tries to act as their protector. 

“Peter,” is Tia’s closest male friend. Peter is lovesick on the subject of Tia, but she’s unaware of his charms and equally unaware of his devotion. But when Tia expresses her concerns about the seemingly impossible happenings around them, she learns that Peter’s observant, cautious nature might be an asset in figuring out the mystery around them.


Co-Writing and executive producing the pilot are Travis Fickett and Terry Matalas who are known for 12 Monkeys and Star Trek: Picard. Directing, as well as also executive producing the pilot is Euphoria’s, Augustine Frizzell. Also executive producing are John Fox and John Davis of Davis Entertainment, as well as Gary Marsh.