If you have been a Marvel Comics fan for a while you just might remember Jeff The Land Shark when he swam into the West Coast Avengers comic series in 2018. Well, today Jeff got some swimmingly good news as Marvel has announced he is getting his own comic book. IT’S JEFF #1 will give readers multiple short stories on Jeff The Landshark. IT’S JEFF #1 will be available on March 29, 2023. You can check out the new cover and official details below.
In 2018’s West Coast Avengers, a new Marvel super hero swam into the hearts of fans and hit the Marvel Universe like an adorable tidal wave: JEFF THE LANDSHARK! Since his introduction, Jeff has teamed up with some of Marvel biggest heroes and became a mega star in his own right, even starring in his own Eisner-nominated Infinity Comic on the Marvel Unlimited App. Written by Jeff’s creator Kelly Thompson and brought to life by the amazing talents of Gurihiru, this hit series will be collected in print for the first time this March in Jeff’s self-titled print comic book debut: IT’S JEFF #1! This collection of irresistible short stories will charm readers everywhere along with a brand-new tale exclusive to the issue!

The ingenious, the extraordinary, the unbearably innocent Jeff chomps his way across the Marvel Universe! You thought it was safe doing laundry or going for a leisurely swim in the pool…but no activity can protect against Jeff’s cuteness! Jeff’s hijinks features a who’s who cast of Marvel characters including the Avengers, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, and many, many more!
“I suspect I’m more excited than anyone to have this print edition in my hands, and I say that while knowing it’s probably the single most asked fan question I’ve gotten over the last year — so I’m happy for all of us that it’s finally happening!” Thompson said. “Working on IT’S JEFF with Gurihiru has been pure joy. They are masterful storytellers and are also masters of CUTE. Both vital things when making a mostly wordless comic about an adorable landshark just trying to do the right thing and also to EAT all of the things.”
Check out Gurihiru’s all-new IT’S JEFF #1 cover below and dive into Jeff’s amazing adventures this March! For more information, visit Marvel.com.
We Want To Hear From You
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