Disenchanted, the sequel to the hit 2007 film Enchanted is finally on its way to Disney+. But first, we had a chance to attend the Press Conference for the film to hear all about the excitement the sequel has to offer!
The biggest questions producer Barry Josephson was asking his team while creating the film were, “How do we progress from the original movie? What is Giselle’s new character? What is her dilemma?” He attributes a lot of these answers and pieces coming together to director/choreographer Adam Shankman (Hairspray). Shankman “really understood what the music elements needed to be and how the character, all the characters needed to grow.”
Adam Shankman saw exactly what this film needed to be from the jump. Coming from the original Film, Giselle is now a Stepmother. What are stepmothers in all fairytales? The Villain.
This is perfect in terms of a continuation of that because she has this, you know, now-developed daughter who probably doesn’t believe in magic anymore. And then I was like, “Let’s go from there,”
director/choreographer – Adam Shankman

The character of Giselle is close to Amy Adam’s (American Hustle) heart. She loves the growth and character arc of Giselle by the end of the first film. So, when it comes to Disenchant and it being 10 years later, Adams needed to make sure that the growth continued but we didn’t lose the “joy and that naiveite and innocence and purity that makes Giselle so special”.
For Idina Menzel’s (Frozen) Nancy, it’s the exact opposite. If you remember, Nancy runs away with Prince Edward to Andalasia. So, we have to see what’s happened to this New Yorker now living in a magical musical world.
Adam and I would talk, I’d say, “How much of my New York accent do I still have [laugh] coming from Andalasia, and how much is this idyllic,” you know, “how much is this idyllic, romantic, beautiful perfect place rubbed off on me?” And then, you know, putting on the corset and all that just, it was an easy journey for me.
Idina Menzel – Disenchanted Press Conference
In the original Enchanted, the team wrote two songs for Idina Menzel. They filmed one of them, however, neither of them made it into the movie. Barry Josephson admits that is “bad producing”. He said on day one both Adam Shankman and Amy Adams said, “Idina will sing”. According to Maya Rudolph, the Universe demanded it.
So, this time around they fixed their mistake, While Menzel never held a grudge, she knew how hard they pushed for her in the first film, she feels they’ve more than made up for it. She admits the new song, while amazing, is incredibly hard to sing. “You made up for it in so many ways that I’m singing a song I could barely sing live if I tried.”

Maya Rudolph (Loot) feels like being a part of this film has been a dream come true. It’s something she’s been training her entire life for and never even knew it.
Even though I’ve had a chance to sing in things before, it was nothing like this experience. And knowing that I was going to get to write this Menken & Schwartz song was really, truly almost like a life fulfillment. Like I was training for the marathon I’d been training for my whole life. And that’s what it was every day.
Maya Rudolph
According to Gabriella Baldacchino (The Conners), who takes on the role of older Morgan, Enchanted was her favorite movie growing up. So, being a part of this film is also a dream come true for her.
It’s just kind of completely changed my life. And I’m so, so grateful to sing music written by Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz. Like, I grew up performing. I loved musical theater and singing, so that wasn’t new for me. But to get to originate something that they wrote, it’s an honor, you know? And to be surrounded by Adam Shankman, Barry Josephson, this cast, I learned so much as I got to sit with Adam.
Gabriella Baldacchino
It’s not an Enchanted movie without Disney Film Easter Eggs!
Some of my favorite things about Disney films are all the easter egg nods to other movies! When it comes to Disenchanted, just like the original, it’s full of them! These moments aren’t random. They are strategically placed to make the viewer excited! If I’m not mistaken, Enchanted was the first film to do this. According to Adam Shankman, it’s the first time Disney “winked at itself”. As far as Disenchanted keep an eye out! Especially when the town turns into a fairy tale town. “Every sign of every shop has something Disney winking involved in it,” Shankman said. “Oh, actually, there’s many. Every shot in that song is something that’s a nod to another.”
Disenchanted comes to Disney+ on November 18th! Get ready for the magic!