Creepshow #2 is the latest issue of the five-issue comic book anthology series, from Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics, based on the Shudder TV series. Like Issue #1, the second issue features two stories, each by a different creative team. Creepshow #2 crept onto comic shelves on October 26, just in time for Halloween. You can find your own issue, if you dare, at your local comic book shop and on digital platforms.
The second entry for Creepshow expectedly keeps the same formula that was used in issue #1. The first story in this issue is The Gorgahmorahh Tree. It is a tale of a tree whose roots grew so deep they reached Hell and the girl who sat beneath it. I personally did not care for this particular story. Of the four stories that have been released so far in the series, this is my least favorite.
Likely due to the nature of it being an anthology series, and the short length of the story overall, I found it difficult to follow at times. I found the tone to be a bit sudden and harsh, especially in some of the dialogue by the parents toward their daughter. Had there been more time to show a slower build of “anger” caused by the effects of the tree, it might have fit better. But as it stands, it felt too sudden and jarring. While some stories benefit from the shorter length and tighter focus, The Gorgahmorahh Tree would be better with a few more pages to expand the narrative.

Creator’s Rites is the second story in this issue and features what happens when a fan of a legendary comic artist takes things too far. This entry into the Creepshow anthology was an enjoyable read and contained an unexpected ending. The story itself about a legendary comic artist who begrudges what has happened to his creation feels close to reality. As many in the comic industry have had similar situations. Though Creator’s Rites is not a typical “horror” story, it still fits nicely into the anthology.
I found the art style again to work very well for the story. I especially liked the art style used for the comic book character. The quality of the art is a recurring theme in my assessments. It has paired well with each of the stories across both issues so far of Creepshow.

David Lapham and Maria Lapham (Stray Bullets) are the co-writers for The Gorgahmorahh Tree. David Lapham also provided the artwork for the story. Creator’s Rites was written by Steve Foxe (Razorblades: The Horror Magazine), and the art was done by Erica Henderson (Assassin Nation, Dracula, Motherf**ker).
Issue #2 of Creepshow highlights the nature of an anthology series such as this. Simply put, with each story in the issue being from a different creative team and a totally new story, some will be stronger than others. Though personal preferences and tastes will factor heavily into each reader’s own judgment on which they find better. As with the first issue, I found issue #2 a mixed bag. With one entry of the two in the issue being more enjoyable than the other. Overall I liked Creator’s Rites more than The Gorgahmorahh Tree. The art and lettering in both were excellent, however, the story aspect of Creator’s Rites I found more entertaining.
It will be interesting to see in the upcoming issues for the series if this trend of one story being more “horror” focused and the second being a shift in tone. I do appreciate the balance that provides the readers in giving a different flavor for each story. As opposed to two that feel tonally similar. It gives readers a nice change of pace as they turn the pages of the book.

Are you excited about Creepshow #2? Also, have you had a chance to read the first issue yet, and if so what are your thoughts? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
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