It looks like BOOM! Studios will be adapting the Dune: House Harkonnen into a new comic book series, starting with Dune: House Harkonnen #1. Maybe the other prequel novels will also get comic book adaptations? Let us all hope that will be the case.

Dune: House Harkonnen ~ Details

"Dune: House Harkonnen #1" main cover art by Raymond Swanland.
“He’s got the whole world in his hands.” Main cover artist: Raymond Swanland.

BOOM! Studios is proud to announce their new Dune comic book series: Dune: House Harkonnen #1. This will be a new sci-fi comic book series that adapts the Dune prequel novel of the same name into comic book form, which itself is a prequel spinoff of the Dune novel series by Frank Herbert. In fact, Brian Herbert (Frank Herbert’s elder son) is cowriting this comic book adaptation alongside Kevin J. Anderson, who also cowrote the Dune prequel novels. Michael Shelfer (Domino) will be the artist, with Patricio Delpeche as the colorist, and Ed Dukeshire as the letterer. Raymond Swanland (Magic: The Gathering) drew the main cover art, with Reiko Murakami (The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country), Stephanie Hans (House of Slaughter), and Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl) responsible for the various variant covers. Lastly, for obvious reasons, BOOM! Studios is the publisher for this comic book series.

Dune: House Harkonnen #1 will go on sale sometime in January 2023. You can purchase print copies on that date at your local comic book shop or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Although to be fair, the latter is notoriously unreliable for carrying any stock of anything, so you might have more luck with the former. If you’re fine with the digital version though, then you can check out digital content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Kindle on that date.

Dune: House Harkonnen #1 ~ Variant Covers

Want to check out the variant covers for this new Dune prequel comic? BOOM! Studios is here to help. Check them out below:

"Dune: House Harkonnen #1" variant cover A art by Reiko Murakami.
I know Vladimir Harkonnen is supposed to be fat, but here it looks more like his armor is making him look fat. Variant cover A artist: Reiko Murakami.
"Dune: House Harkonnen #1" variant cover B art by Stephanie Hans.
I…honestly have no idea who this girl is. Variant cover B artist: Stephanie Hans.
"Dune: House Harkonnen #1" variant cover C art by Jeremy Bastian.
Ah, now Vladimir finally looks not just fat, but also anachronistically yet appropriately fancy to boot. Variant cover C artist: Jeremy Bastian.
"Dune: House Harkonnen #1" variant cover D art by Audrey Mok.
Hmm, artistic cover here. Variant cover D artist: Audrey Mok.

Dune: House Harkonnen #1 ~ Preview Pages

Yes, you read that right. BOOM! Studios actually has a pair of preview pages for us today. Check them both out below:

"Dune: House Harkonnen #1" preview page 1.
Huh, so we get to see Gurney Halleck in his younger days?
"Dune: House Harkonnen #1" preview page 2.
Oh, this is going to have a bad ending for Halleck, isn’t it?

Source: BOOM! Studios