Blade from Marvel Studios recently lost its director, Bassim Tariq, and went into a sort of tailspin because of creative issues. Now, according to THR, the juggernaut studio is pausing all production on the film. They will not be hitting their November 2023 release date. Instead, the search for a new director will take up all the focus. Crew members were notified on Tuesday. They’re hoping to restart production in early 2023, but that wouldn’t be nearly enough time with how long VFX and a shoot for a movie this big would be.

Blade has seen more production shifts than the average Marvel project. It was announced at Comic-Con 2019 and has shifted dates into 2023, and now likely past that point. The script has been the main issue, with there being reports that Mahershala Ali was unhappy about it recently. Beau DeMayo is the current screenwriter.

Instead of rushing a search for a new director to meet the production window, Marvel has instead slowed down, to ensure that they make the right choice. We’ll have to see who Marvel picks and how long it takes for them to get the creative issues ironed out. Knowing Marvel, they’ll want someone close to their orbit, but they might go with someone surprising as they did with Sam Raimi for Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.

For more on Marvel, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

Source: THR

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