If you want more Stranger Things, it looks like you’re going to get it. And a whole lot more from the Duffer Brothers, too. The creators behind the Netflix hit series have formed an official production label, Upside Down Pictures.

The production company draws its name from the Duffers’ popular show. With the help of BBC America vet Hilary Leavitt (Orphan Black, Ozark), Upside Down Pictures will produce several new projects for Netflix. Check out a list of planned content below.

  • A live-action Stranger Things spinoff series, based on an original idea by the Duffer Brothers. (Details TBA)
  • A stage play set within the world and mythology of Stranger Things. Prolific UK-based stage producer Sonia Friedman is attached, as well as Stephen Daldry (The Crown).
  • A series adaptation of Stephen King and Peter Straub‘s 1984 novel The Talisman. Upside Down will co-produce with Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment and Paramount TV. Created by Stranger Things Co-EP and writer Curtis Gwinn, The Talisman tells the story of a young man who moves between New Hampshire and an alternate world called ‘The Territories’ to obtain an artifact that will save his mother’s life. 
  • A new live-action series adaptation of the manga Death Note. (Netflix made a live-action film adaptation in 2017, but this project will be unrelated.)
  • An original series from Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance creators Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews.

The Duffer Brothers told Deadline they hope Upside Down Pictures will focus on “stories that take place at that beautiful crossroads where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, where big spectacle co-exists with intimate character work, where heart wins out over cynicism.”

In addition to the above projects, the duo will soon begin work on the fifth and final season of Stranger Things. The show recently released its fourth season to record-breaking Netflix viewership, with over 1 billion hours streamed in the first 28 days of release. You can stream the first four seasons of Stranger Things now on Netflix.

Source: Deadline

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