Stranger Things 4 Part II comes out tomorrow, July 1st, but there’s already speculation about a huge moment in the second part. Throughout Part I, we never got to see Eddie shredding on his guitar in the upside-down. We even wrote a list of the Top 5 Songs That Eddie Could Play To Escape Vecna, now with some Spotify sleuthing and the R/Metallica subreddit, we might have our answer. Spotify is allowing people to make a playlist called Upside Down Playlist, it has your recent listening history (other than the other Stranger Things songs used already), however, some people are noticing that “Master of Puppets” by Metallica is showing up on their playlist. We’ve tested it out, with someone who has never listened to Metallica once on Spotify, and it’s showing up.

Now, this could be a hell of a glitch on the part of Spotify, or it could point to “Master of Puppets” being the song that Eddie plays. Looking back at the footage, his hand placement also follows along with where his hand would have to be to play some of the riffs in the song. For those wondering about the time period of the track, “Master of Puppets” was released on March 3rd, 1986, which is before the time the show is set.
It fits the themes of the season, with what Vecna is doing with all his minions throughout the Upside Down. It’s also one of the most influential and powerful heavy metal songs of all time. The somber section in the middle of the track could also fit if they want it to pull double duty as they did with “Running Up That Hill”.
Either way, get ready for everyone to use “Master of Puppets” on those TikTok videos.
For more on metal, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.